The Good Men Project

10 Reasons Men Should Watch ‘The Expendables’ Movies

expendHere are Jay Snook’s reasons why men should watch, and enjoy, ‘The Expendables’ movie franchise.

The Expendables series came out in 2010, and since then have spawned two sequels. These are awesome films that were made with men in mind. With amazing action sequences, hot babes and giant explosions; they are movies every man needs to see. Here are my reasons why these are the perfect films for men.






1  . Sylvester Stallone proves he is still a bad ass!





2. Arnold Schwarzenegger is wonderful in these films, a hilarious character.







3. Chuck Norris is in The Expendables 2. 






4. Mel Gibson is one of the best villains in The Expendables 3, he is truly sick and twisted.






5. Each film is full of giant explosions and many scenes of ultra violence. What guy doesn’t love seeing things   Blow Up?






6. Jet Li is awesome in these films, even though he rarely performs actions sequences.






7. These men prove that age is just a number.  No matter how old you get you can still be a force to be reckoned    with.





8. The cast always finds a way to complete an impossible task. Every guy wants to be That Guy.






9. Statham is real tough around the edges, but also has some great funny lines.





      10. The films show that men can accomplish anything when they come together. Isn’t that what we All want, to    conquer the most impossible odds, with the help of our friends?


The Expendables 3 came out a while back, and it brings all of these wonderful things to it and more. Check all of these movies out, they are the best movies to watch with your buddies. It will be sure to get your blood pumping and your testosterone going.

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