The Good Men Project

A Girl Is Threatened In A Rap Battle, And So The Judge Steps In To Deliver His Own Verse


 A  battle rap video turned ugly. And then, someone stepped in and made it inspiring.


Set scene: A woman is on stage with her male opponent in an MC rap battle in London when all of a sudden the dude makes a rape threat. Not cool at all. The misogynistic dude tries to calm the crowd down as they look on in disgust. Then suddenly up pops visibly pissed-off BBC radio presenter Nihal, who decides to step in and rip into the rape-threat dude with his own, much better verse.

I want to be clear on two points before you watch it: 1) The young woman didn’t need him to step in, but I’m appreciating this as a “see something, say something” moment, and it’s great to see that others have her back in such a hostile environment. 2) The fat-shaming in his verse isn’t cool either, and I wish that wasn’t in there, but I still appreciate this moment of solidarity and outrage.

NSFW language NSFW language NSFW language.




Originally appeared at Upworthy

Photo Eric Flexyourhead/Flickr


About the author

Rossalyn Warren

My British accent makes it sound like I know what I’m talking about. I am in a complicated relationship with the Internet, and I obsess about all things political, popular culture, human rights, and digital media.


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