The Good Men Project

Bombay Pushes the Team in a Tough Practice on ‘Pond Hockey’

The team practices somewhere new in ‘Pond Hockey’

Last time on The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers, Evan had a chat with his old coach. Evan agreed to go to one Mighty Ducks practice, and was given a choice to make. While Evan spent some time thinking about it, some of the old Mighty Ducks players were in town for a big event. Bombay hung out with them one night and they had fun for a while. When talk about the event came up, Bombay couldn’t bring himself to tell them the truth. After they had a talk with Evan though, the old ducks knew what to do. As this episode came to a close a secret came out and it looked like the team might be in trouble. Now Bombay has the team practice somewhere new in ‘Pond Hockey’. I was able to watch a screener of this episode and here is what I thought of it.

pond hockey, game changers, the mighty ducks, tv show, sports, comedy, season 1, review, disney plus

(c) Disney Plus

You can read the premise for ‘Pond Hockey’ here:

With the team mad at Evan, and Alex unsure of her coaching skills, Bombay brings them somewhere new.

(c) Disney Plus

The team is still mad at Evan in ‘Pond Hockey’. Alex has an idea how to help the team smooth things out with each other, but things don’t go as she hoped they would. After the power goes out at The Ice Palace, Bombay takes the team to a new place to practice. They have never practiced on a spot like this before, and naturally some of them are nervous. Alex isn’t sure how she feels about it either, but trusts Bombay knows what he is doing. Thanks to this practice most of the team forgives Evan, and a few teammates become better players. At their next game, things end up going better than they could have hoped. As this episode comes to a close the people on this team are closer than ever before.

(c) Disney Plus

The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers ‘Pond Hockey’ is available now on Disney Plus.

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