The Good Men Project

The Bold Type ‘Carry the Weight’ Ends this Season with a Bang

‘Carry the Weight’ A satisfying summer finale for this show

I have watched a lot of different shows this summer. None of them are like The Bold Type though. This season has been a real joy to watch unfold. ‘Carry the Weight’ is the summer finale, and it is a fitting end for this season. I was able to watch a screener of it and here is what I thought of it.

carry the weight, the bold type, tv show, drama,comedy, finale, season 1, review, freeform

(c) Freeform

You can read the premise for ‘Carry the Weight’ here:

Jane gets an eye opening experience when she is tasked with writing a piece about a performance artist/activist who is speaking out about sexual assault. Kat is distracted by thoughts of Adena while trying to throw a memorable NY Fashion Week party for Scarlet. And Sutton gets into an awkward situation with Richard.

(c) Freeform

‘Carry the Weight’ was a good summer finale for The Bold Type. It ties up some loose ends, and has each of the main characters making some hard choices. It also reveals a secret about one character that I didn’t see coming. If you have liked this show so far, then you won’t want to miss this episode. To learn more about The Bold Type click on this website.

(c) Freeform

The Bold Type ‘Carry the Weight’ airs tomorrow night at 9/8 c on Freeform. You can follow this show on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.



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