The Good Men Project

The Cast and Crew of ‘Tangled The Series’ Swung into D23

D23 brought a wonderful ‘Tangled the Series’ Panel

Tangled was a touching, visually stunning movie. It captivated audiences with its likable characters, dastardly villain and impressive soundtrack. Tangled the Series tells a new chapter in this story, and has been pretty good so far. The cast and crew gave a one of a kind panel at D23 this year. I was there and here is what  I thought of it.

tangled the series, tv show, cartoon, panel, d23 2017, cast, crew, disney channel

(c) Disney Channel

The panel began with the Tangled the Series cast and crew being welcomed to the stage. They talked about their characters, and what it was like to be asked to become a part of this show. The crew spoke of how happy they were that Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi came back to voice their characters. Jeremy Jordan spoke a bit about how surprised he was that Varian had become such a hit with fans. He has been on only one episode so far, but it was revealed we may see more of him in the near future. Then they revealed a short animatic of an upcoming episode, and it was quite touching.

After that the Q and A segment began. I was able to give a shout out to Jeremy Jordan for his character on Supergirl, and asked if we would hear more original songs in upcoming episodes. Next, attendees were shown a clip of a new song that was going to be in an upcoming episode. After that the panel came to a close If you want to learn more about Tangled the Series click on this website.

(c) Disney Channel

Tangled the Series airs Sundays at 8:30 pm on Disney Channel. You can follow this show on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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