The Good Men Project

Fans Need to See These ‘Halo Wars 2’ Exclusive Prints

If you are a fan of Halo Wars then you need to check these prints out

I have never played a Halo game before, yet I am familiar with the series. I have no problem with the games, I just have never had a chance to try them. When I was offered some posters for the newest game Halo Wars 2 I was a bit hesitant. When I actually took a look at them though I was impressed. Here is what I thought of these beautiful posters.

halo wars 2, video game, poster, exclusive, out now, craig drake

(c) Craig Drake

These Halo Wars 2 posters are absolutely amazing. They are full of stunning colors that bring each scene to vivid life. These posters took my breath away. They are unlike anything I have ever seen before. They were made by three different artists who each put their personal spin on them. Their names are Gabz, Craig Drake and Kevin Tong. If you are interested in buying any of these prints click on this website.

(c) Gabz

Halo Wars 2 is out now on Xbox One and PC. You can follow this game on Facebook and Twitter.

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