The Good Men Project

Five Tips From Vincent de Boer on How He Started His New Music Career During This Pandemic

The pandemic has caused a hard time for everyone, no matter if you’re young or old, rich or poor, we are all experiencing a downside during these hard times. COVID-19 is still a big part of our lives, even in 2021. And even though the future is not looking bright at the moment, we can use the time we spend at home to find a new career, or hobby to continue with once this pandemic and lockdown is over. One of the things you can do is finally start the career you’ve always dreamed about.

Vincent de Boer used the time in lockdown to start his music career, one that definitely paid off. We asked him to share his advice, about the struggles he experienced, and how he solved them.

1: Do your research

Sounds weird, you might think that anyone can start and make music. I thought that too, but it is a lot harder than you think. Finding the instruments that go along well together, designing album covers, promote your music to the right audience. Do your research! YouTube & Google are your best friends.

2: Find a distributor

In order to get your music published on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, etc. You’ll need a distributor. A company that’s pushed your music in the stores. These are available at different pricings, depending on your needs. Don’t go with the first agency you find, again: Research! Look at and compare a few different plans and companies before you decide to purchase a plan.

3: Creating music

Personally, I prefer beats, I don’t have the best voice. And everyone likes a good beat, it can make or break a track. So why can’t it be released on its own? Producing music is hard, I know. FL Studio or LogicPro are two examples of software you can use, but there are more options available.

4: Don’t forget to have fun

You shouldn’t focus on numbers, chances are you won’t become the next Beyonce or Justin Bieber. The main goal is to just have fun. You will need to like what you’re doing, otherwise, why do it. If you aren’t getting a lot of streams, that’s normal and doesn’t mean your music isn’t appealing. Music is about having fun and doing what you love.

Photo provided by the author.

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