The Good Men Project

An Interview with Vlogger Sky Williams

sky williams, vlogger, fanime, comedy

(c) FanCons

Jay Snook was able to sit down and talk with Sky Williams and learned a ton about this famous vlogger

Here is a Bio for Sky Williams:

“Sky Williams is a comedic entertainer and gamer on Twitch and YouTube, most known for his videos and commentary on League of Legends. He also streams, plays, and blogs about other games like the Super Smash Bros. series, games that he loves, and other things going on around him. In addition to video blogging, Mr. Williams uses his comedic talents to do stand-up comedy and was a finalist in Flappers’ Uncle Clyde’s Comedy Contest.”

What originally got you into doing video blogging?

Sky Williams: Genuinely I just got real mad one day. While playing a game something dumb happened and I just turned on my camera to tell the world how stupid it was. Everybody loved that video.

So you do more like game play videos then?

Sky Williams: I am more of a vlogger that talks about topical topics. I talk about things in vlogging format be it drama or even if it is just my opinion on some changes happening to the game. Stuff like that.

(c) Elohell

So what got you interested in doing a video series on League of Legends?

Sky Williams: At the time I was playing League and that was the video that went viral, so I just decided to roll with it. People thought that was funny. I just straight up turned on the camera and started talking sh*t. People thought that was funny, and I was like damn.

What games have you done videos for from the Super Smash Bros series?

Sky Williams: Mostly Smash Bros 4, both of them were of Super Smash Bros 4. But I have been playing the games for 13 years. Super Smash Bros 64, Melee, Brawl and 4. I have been an avid professional player in all three, all 4.


So do you pick the topics for the videos yourself, ask your fans or a bit of both?

Sky Williams: I have this app called Evernote in my phone, literally what we just talked about now I said something like “Topical topics to talk about” right, that is a good ren scheme. That is what I do with all my videos ideas or anything I do I think of on my own. Like “Oh yea that sounded pretty cool”and I will like write it in my phone. Then I will say is there depth to this or am I just missing out. Now there are obviously things that people want to see and I try to adhere to them. Mostly though it is just me thinking up something on the spot.

What is the hardest part about making your videos?

Sky Williams: I mean it is all mental. Performing and editing that is just work and time, it is not really difficult to do it technically. Emotionally and mentally it is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Because you have to deal with the fact that your videos are X good yet someone elses video might be performing better. Or you might put out a video and they are like “Oh this one wasn’t as good as the last one” and you don’t really know what went wrong, and all that stuff.

(c) Youtube

I also heard you are a stand up comic correct? 

Sky Williams: I have done stand up comedy but I wouldn’t call myself a stand up comic. I think I am pretty decent at it though.

Do you try to incorporate video games into your comedy routine?

Sky Williams: I know the audience isn’t as savvy as the want to be with the video games so I try to incorporate easy video game language. I describe before I came out, my first sexual experience like level 1, level 2 and level 3. Which anyone can understand what that is. It is mostly not video game stuff but I put in some video game examples that anyone can understand.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Sky Williams: It is actually stupid things. Like there is sometimes in my videos where I feel I executed a joke really well or like I did a look really well. Those moments when people notice it, that’s the best part. When I see people quote my videos or if they are saying the things that I say. It is so surreal like just to see so many people say the dumb sh*t that you say. I think the best part ever is everyone watching my videos. Seeing them all day is something I could do all day and not get tired. That is the best part by far.

Have you had a chance to meet other Vloggers and if so how does that usually go?

Sky Williams: It all comes down to like, I know what I am, I am a vlogger. My content is very hard to translate. For example, lets say you do music. Like Da-Ice comes to America as an American band and it doesn’t matter that they don’t understand the language,they don’t have to because the music sounds good. It is not the same for vlogging. So I already know that my content is pigeon holed because I am a vlogger and I am really only for America so my numbers are going to be limited. I don’t really translate that well to other countries. So I never really get down on myself, because so far I haven’t met another vlogger that is playing League of Legends. I think I am the only League vlogger so I don’t feel threatened at all. Other people that are bigger than me that do video game content, that is whatever it is what they are good at. I am only a vlogger so I never really feel like a type anyway.

What would be some advice you would give to people who want to get into vlogging?

Sky Williams: Just don’t (laughs). I would say you are going to be called things you’ve never heard before. Like I knew that I was ugly but before vlogging I had like at least 10% self esteem. Now I wish I could make my forehead smaller. Like I didn’t even know that was a thing until some people pointed it out. I was like damn, you actually right. I would say my best advice for vlogging just know that you are going to be called a lot of things that you don’t like. Also fake it until you make it. That is number one and number two is that they are going to call you ugly. Do your research, go watch other vloggers. Philip De Franco is a wonderful example of someone who has perfected the art of vlogging in every way. Go watch one of his videos. Go see what he does. Look at his backdrop, his camera, his lighting, how fast his cuts are and how he composes himself. I would say go watch professionals like him and make sure that you are really on it when you start vlogging. That’s my best advice.

Is there anything you would like to add before this interview comes to a close?

Sky Williams: Yeah, last thing. If you are listening and you think you want to do something like this, I have a very short thing to tell you. Someone once asked me like ” I don’t want to go back to school because by the time I finish I am going to be like 40 years old”. Then I said “Well you are going to be 40 anyway”. Like that is going to happen to you. So those of you out there that think you are too late for something that just doesn’t exist. Time is not going to speed up or slow down based on what you want to do. Every moment you lose is just another moment that you can be successful. So just f*cking do it.

Be sure to like Sky Williams on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You can also see many of his videos on Youtube.


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