The Good Men Project

It is Ground Hog Day! Why the Movie of That Name Was Profound


Today is Ground Hog Day! It is also the date that every scene in the movie Ground Hog Day was set. Besides being a “concept” movie many found it to be movingly profound.


In 1993 Harold Ramis released a quirky film starring Bill Murray called Ground Hog Day. Murray plays a TV weather man who finds himself caught in a continuous time loop, reliving that particular February 2nd over, and over and over again.

Seen by many as a frivolous comedy, many found its statement to be profound.

Harold Ramis explains how thinkers in many different disciplines claimed the film’s philosophy as their own here.

The film was put into the US National Film Registry in 2006 and described as being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.”

Our moral? Treat this February 2nd well, you may be walking through it again tomorrow.


Source: – Taser

Image: Flickr/Lee

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