The Good Men Project

Learn About an Inspiring Person in ‘Ada Lovelace and the Start of Computers’

ada lovelace and the start of computer, biography, comic, graphic novel, Jordi Bayarri Dolz, net galley, review, lerner publishing group

(c) Lerner Publishing Group

‘Ada Lovelace and the Start of Computers’ is out now

I have read a good amount of graphic novels about historical figures. Each one does a great job telling the story of an important person in history. When I heard about Ada Lovelace and the Start of Computers I hoped I would get a chance to read it. I was able to get a digital copy of this graphic novel and here is what I thought of it.

You can read the plot for Ada Lovelace and the Start of Computers here:

Ada Lovelace turned her powerful imagination into a vision of the future, predicting the impact of computers on human life. Lovelace had a unique education and embraced mathematics. She became one of the biggest believers in engineer Charles Babbage’s ideas for calculation machines.

This graphic biography shows how Lovelace helped spread awareness of what an early computer could do and how she became one of the first computer programmers. It also shows how Lovelace pushed back against doubts about calculation machines and against her own self-doubt.

I had a hard time putting this graphic novel down. We learn all about a woman who was way ahead of her time. In these pages we see how smart they are and the challenges they faced along the way. The illustrations are wonderful and really help bring this story to life. Most people are going to have a lot of fun reading this graphic novel.

Ada Lovelace and the Start of Computers is available now. You can order this graphic novel on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and Bookshop.


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