The Good Men Project

‘MortDecai’ Sophistication Has A Name

Mortdecai 1 fix

Jay Snook reviews Johnny Depp’s latest comedic film.

This is a film that I was unsure of when I went to see it. The teaser intrigued me, but I was unsure if it was going to be good or not. I had read a few reviews, and critics and audiences where not kind to it. But I took a risk, and I have to say it was worth it. As strange as the main character is I found myself laughing harder than I had in a while. The film has a stellar cast, a good soundtrack and takes viewers to many interesting locations. It also has some unique special effects in it, and is a film you should give a chance.

Mortdecai is a different type of character for Depp. He is a person who seems self centered, arrogant and not at all easy to like. He dresses funny, has bad teeth and is not the most honest man. He is an art dealer who is on his way to financial ruin and also is at risk of losing his wife because of his extravagant ways. He has made some bad deals in the past, and it seems there is no way out. But when a one of a kind painting is stolen, he is sought out to help get it back. At first he refuses, saying what is in it for him. But shortly an agreement is made, and off Mortdecai and his valet Jock go to not only find out who took the painting but why. It is a quest that takes them to all types of places, and puts them in some dangerous situations.

It is funny because Mortdecai has an idea of the man he is in his head, but it is far from reality. He has grown a mustache that everyone thinks looks awful, and his wife refuses to kiss him until he shaves it off. He has bad teeth and although he thinks he is an honest man, the truth is often he makes art deals with the underbelly of society, something no good man would ever do. He also takes his wife for granted, having no idea how lucky he is to have her in his life. He is a man who is friendless and it is hard to feel sorry for him. But watch this film and I guarantee there are moments where he will surprise you. The transformation and realizations he makes along the way are heartfelt and will change your views of him in an instant.

Johnny Depp delivers one of his better performances as Mortdecai. He is a man who has a great house, a good occupation and enjoys the finer things. He can come off as an idiot and a person who never plans ahead, but there is more depth to this man that the film lets on at first. Truthfully, he has a big heart and will do all he can to protect those he loves. It doesn’t matter what situations he gets in, somehow he always finds a way to get out of them. It is one of the stranger characters I have seen Depp play, but one that he does a splendid job of bringing to life. One of his better roles in a while and one that you will not want to miss.

I like this film because Mortdecai is a character who is relate able and not far off from reality. Many men have been in his shoes before, maybe more than once in their lives. To end up in a tough spot is never fun, but it is unavoidable sometimes. But like a true man, he refuses to give up and takes the risks along the way head on. He is a man that is a positive image and one that boys should strive to emulate. I know I was able to understand where he was from beginning, and the journey he took is one only real men ever accomplish.

By the end of the film, things end smoothly enough. It was not the best film I have seen, but I had fun watching it. I give it a 7 out of 10. If you are a fan of Johnny Depp, you should run out to see this new film. It is a good film, but not one that everyone will enjoy.

If you are looking for a comedy that will cause at least a few laughs, go see this movie. If you are looking for some lighter fare on a Friday or Saturday night, this is the film for you. It is peculiar in some ways and is fast paced at times, but if you don’t go in with huge expectations this film will not let you down. It is a good film to see with a date or your guy friends, but not one for kids.

Watch the catchy teaser below:

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