The Good Men Project

Much has Changed Over the Years in ‘Twenty Years to Life’

Return to the Conner household on ‘Twenty Years to Life’

I really liked Roseanne. It was a show that focused an imperfect family and all the troubles they dealt with everyday. The characters were likable, and it had that perfect blend of comedy and drama. Well now it is coming back to TV. I was able to watch a screener of the pilot ‘Twenty Years to Life’ and this is what I thought of it.

Twenty Years to Life, Roseanne, TV Show, Comedy, Pilot, Review, ABC

(c) ABC

You can read the premise for ‘Twenty Years to Life’ here:

Roseanne and Dan adjust to living under the same roof with Darlene and her two children, Harris and Mark, when Darlene loses her job. Meanwhile, Becky announces she is going to be a surrogate to make extra money; and Roseanne and Jackie are at odds with one another.

(c) ABC

I had a good time watching ‘Twenty Years to Life’. It was nice to see the Conners again, and much has changed. DJ, Darlene and Becky are all grown up are trying their best to be adults. The family has grown but its core values have stayed the same. There is plenty of funny moments but some toughing serious times too. If you liked Roseanne then this is a pilot you will want to check out. If you want to learn more about Roseanne click on this website.

(c) ABC

Roseanne ‘Twenty Years to Life’ premieres Tuesday March 27th on ABC. You can follow Roseanne on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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