The Good Men Project

A Newborn Gives the Staff Some Concerns in ‘Peri’s Prickly Pregnancy’

peri's prickly pregnancy, magic of disney's animal kingdom, tv show, docu series, season 1, review, national geographic, disney plus

(c) Disney Plus

A new arrival is coming to the park in ‘Peri’s Prickly Pregnancy’

Last time on Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom, staff set up two aardvarks for a blind date. They hoped this meeting might lead to a baby for the park. Next a keeper worked with a black rhino to find a better way to draw blood from them. Then we meet a manatee who had staff look into a lump they had on them. After that we met a massive nile crocodile who needed to have an injured tail looked at after a scuffle with another croc. As this episode came to a close, the first meeting between these two aardvarks seemed to go quite well. Now a newborn gives the staff a few concerns in ‘Peri’s Prickly Pregnancy’. I was able to watch a screener of this episode and here is what I thought of it.

(c) Disney Plus

You can read the premise for ‘Peri’s Prickly Pregnancy’ here:

Peri the porcupine is about to give birth to a fuzzy new baby, but following Peri’s persistent sneezing, Dr. Dan and the team step in to help her breathe with greater ease.. On the Maharajah Jungle Trek, Anala, a super-smart Sumatran tiger, faces a series of challenging tests to keep her mentally and physically stimulated, earning herself a meaty reward. Over at the Veterinary Treatment Room, Dr. Natalie and specialist Dr. Andrew perform surgery on Stark, a darling newborn steenbok, to straighten up his legs. Dugan, a southern white rhino, enjoys a birthday party and receives a surprise from the local fire department.

(c) Disney Plus

Staff is looking forward to welcoming a baby porcupine to the park soon in ‘Peri’s Prickly Pregnancy’. When Peri starts sneezing, they check on them to make sure they are doing okay. Then we check in on Anala and watch as her trainer works to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. After that we meet a newborn steenbok who gives the staff some serious concerns. As this episode nears it end we see Peri gave birth late one night, and staff checks in on the baby to make sure they are doing alright.

(c) Disney Plus

Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom ‘Peri’s Prickly Pregnancy’ is available now on Disney Plus.

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