The Good Men Project

‘Pawn Sacrifice’ The Life and Times of Bobby Fisher

Pawn Sacrifice 2 fixed


This man was the Tiger Woods of chess and played the game like a skilled musician.

Who is Bobby Fisher? I am sure some people have heard of this name. Bobby was one of the greatest chess players who ever lived. He was an American who loved chess and played in a way that no one ever has since. If you have ever played chess this is a film you will want to see. It shows aspects of the game that most people don’t see and tells the life of this famous man without leaving anything out.

Bobby Fisher from a young age in Brooklyn, New York had a remarkable talent. He was very good at playing chess. He played it all day and all night and did little else. He taught himself how to play like a pro and had aspirations to become the world champion. When Bobby was a boy he met a man named Carmine Nigro who took it upon himself to train Bobby so his skill would get crafted and his dream could become a reality.

Bobby (Tobey Maguire) did a ton of amazing things like becoming the youngest grand master ever and he won a ton of chess tournaments. He was well known for his skills as a chess players and made a good amount of money. He was in magazine interviews and even appeared on some talk shows. Bobby was like a rock star, the boy who made chess cool and everyone wanted to play thanks to him. But for Bobby to become world champion he was going to have to beat the Soviet Union chess players. They were the best in the world and Boris Spassky (Liev Schreiber) was a tough player. When would Bobby get the chance to play Boris? Would he be able to beat him? And how would this tournament affect him mentally and physically?

This is a really astounding story. I knew personally a bit about Bobby Fisher before seeing this film but had no idea he had such a rough life. Chess was the only thing he had and he was a really good player. He truly was amazing to watch play and his skill was out of this world. To see Bobby grow up and take on such tough players is uplifting, especially because no one thought he would ever beat them. Men should see this film because it shows that no dream is impossible as long as you never give up and take chances. If you do this it is hard to say how far you will go in life.

This movie deserves 9/10. Tobey Maguire really brings Bobby Fisher to life in a way no one has seen before. All the angst and fear Bobby had is shown in this film in a realistic way that will have the audience eager to see what will happen next. The film does a really good job of taking a sport that can be boring and making it exciting. Once the film is over there is so much viewers will learn about this great man that they cannot help but respect him. This is one of those rare films you will not want to miss, it has something for everyone and all ages can watch it for the life lessons it delivers again and again.

If you want to see a good drama this is the film you should pick to see. If you like chess this is a film you will want to check out. There is little that is bad here besides a few small adult situations, but besides that it is a great film that you must see this Wednesday.

Watch the trailer below:

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