The Good Men Project

Read a New Version of This Story in ‘Beauty and the Beast’

beauty and the beast, comic, graphic novel, children's fiction, jessica gunderson, net galley, review, capstone

(c) Capstone

This tale gets told a different way in ‘Beauty and the Beast’

I am familiar with the Beauty and the Beast story. As a kid, I watched the Disney animated move, and really enjoyed it. As the years past, I found the Faerie Tale Theatre version which was different yet I still liked it. The recent live action iteration was also an overall fun film for me to watch. So when I heard about it being retold in a graphic novel I hoped I might get to read it. I was able to get a digital copy of this graphic novel and here is what I thought of it.

You can read the plot for Beauty and the Beast here:

Beauty’s father gets lost in the woods and stumbles onto a castle. He reaches for a rose to bring to his daughter–but there’s a price. Will Beauty win her freedom, or be trapped in the Beast’s castle forever?

It was a lot of fun reading a new version of this classic tale. There were a few new twists put in, but this in no way harms the story. The Beast looked a tad different, yet again this wasn’t a bad thing. This may not be a version for everyone, but kids are sure to enjoy it.

Beauty and the Beast is out now. You can order this graphic novel on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and Indiebound.


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