The Good Men Project

Something Awful Happens to Eddie in ‘Hit and Run’

hit and run, a million little things, tv show, drama, season 3, review, abc

(c) ABC

Something bad happens to Eddie in ‘Hit and Run’

Last time on A Million Little Things, Eddie learned a shocking truth. It got him close to making a very bad decision. Meanwhile Rome and Regina got some bad news, and Regina is having a hard time dealing with it. Gary decides to say goodbye to Maggie, and things go as well as they could for them both. As this episode comes to a close, Eddie stopped himself from making a terrible mistake. Now something bad has happened to Eddie in ‘Hit and Run’. I was able to watch a screener of this episode and here is what I thought of it.

(c) ABC

You can read the premise for ‘Hit and Run’ here:

In the aftermath of Eddie’s car accident, Katherine leans on their beloved group of friends for support. Meanwhile, Rome and Regina face a tough decision about the future of their family, and Delilah sees how her kids are thriving and wants the same for herself. Maggie jump starts her new life in Oxford, while Gary continues to navigate his new relationship with Darcy.

(c) ABC

Something awful has happened to Eddie in ‘Hit and Run’. When Katherine finds out, she is naturally shocked. Thankfully her friends are there to help support her through it. Things aren’t looking good, but Gary refuses to let her give up hope. Meanwhile Maggie has a rough start with her new roommate in Oxford, and tries to find some way to work through this setback. As this episode comes to a close, Katherine and Eddie are joined by all their friends for a special occasion. To learn more about A Million Little Things click on this website.

(c) ABC

A Million Little Things ‘Hit and Run’ airs tonight at 10/9 c on ABC. You can follow this show on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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