The Good Men Project

Marvel Spider-Man ‘Horizon High’ Brings this Hero back to TV

‘Horizon High’ A good start for this Spider-Man cartoon

I really liked the Spider-Man cartoon from the 90’s. It was full of great characters, dangerous villains and brought many of the comic book stories to life. I watched it all the time as a kid, and it told me a lot about this amazing hero. Now Disney XD is bringing Spider-Man back to TV. I was able to watch the pilot ‘Horizon High’ early and here is what I thought of it.

horizon high, marvel spider-man, tv show, cartoon, pilot, season 1, review, disney xd

(c) DIsney XD

You can read the premise for ‘Horizon High’ part 1 and 2 here:

Spider-Man must work to stop the Scorpion from wreaking havoc at the museum.

Peter is accepted into Horizon High: a school for geniuses, where his best friend Harry Osborn was just suspended. Peter makes his debut as Spider-Man and must battle the Vulture.

(c) Disney XD

‘Horizon High’ was a good Marvel Spider-Man pilot. It is sort of an origin story, but not the one fans are used to seeing. It shows how Peter Parker is getting used to being a hero, and clearly he has some things to learn. There are some well known villains here who have new looks and present plenty of challenges for Spider-Man. This show also brings a few new characters into the mix, and they help set this show apart from the rest. If you are a fan of this web slinger, then this is a show you will want to check out.

(c) Disney XD

Marvel Spider-Man ‘Horizon High’ parts 1 and 2 premieres this Saturday on Disney XD. You can follow this show on Facebook.

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