The Good Men Project

Both Spideys Run into Trouble on ‘Kravens Amazing Hunt’

‘Kravens Amazing Hunt’ Pits these heroes against a new foe

Marvel Spider-Man is quite good so far. The villains are different, and Spidey is already getting some new allies. This week on ‘Kravens Amazing Hunt’ Peter has to work with Miles to stop a strange new enemy. I was able to watch a screener of this episode and here is what I thought of it.

kravens amazing hunt, marvel spider-man, animated, reboot, season 1, review, disney xd

(c) Disney XD

You can read the premise for ‘Kravens Amazing Hunt’ here:

Kraven the Hunter does a live broadcast of his hunt for Spider-Man.

(c) Disney XD

‘Kravens Amazing Hunt’ was a really good episode. It starts really strong, and never loses its momentum for one second. Fans get to see another new power come to light, and a secret is revealed that is sure to strengthen the bond between these two heroes. This new villain really keeps them both on their toes, and they will have to think fast to beat him. There was action, drama, and a few dashes of humor too. This episode had a wonderful ending, and I look forward to where this show takes us next.

(c) Disney XD

‘Kravens Amazing Hunt’ premieres this Saturday on Disney XD.

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