The Good Men Project

‘Supergirl’ A New Breed of Superhero

SUPERGIRL is CBS's new action-adventure drama based on the DC COMICS' character Kara Zor-El (Melissa Benoist), Superman's (Kal-El) cousin who, after 12 years of keeping her powers a secret on Earth, decides to finally embrace her superhuman abilities and be the hero she was always meant to be. Photo: Darren Michaels/CBS ©2015 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

A show that tells the tale of the cousin of a well known hero and how she makes her mark in a new city

Superhero shows are all the rage right now. You can see them on many of the national networks and a even on a few streaming sites. Programs like The Flash, Daredevil, Arrow and Gotham show how many of these heroes started out as the characters that fans know and love and also do a great job of showing how they began to fight crime and learn all about their powers. But there has yet to be a show about a female superhero until now that is. Supergirl shows a different side of a well known universe and the threats she may have to face.

When the planet Krypton was about to die a baby was sent to earth to do great things, but what many people don’t know is that a young girl named Kara Zor-El (Melissa Benoist) was sent to protect him and make sure he would be safe. But as her pod is heading to Earth something goes wrong and she ends up in a peculiar part of the galaxy where time stands still. After many years of being trapped there Kara breaks free somehow and makes it to Earth but she finds out that the boy is now a man and no longer needs her protection. The Danvers take Kara in and raise her as their own daughter and it is here where her story begins.

For much of her life she decides to hide her powers and try to live a normal life and for a while this makes her happy. She lives in National City and works at a huge publication called Catco. with Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) who is her boss. Soon though Kara begins to get bored with her life and wonders if she was meant for something more. When an accident happens involving someone she cares about she decides to take a risk and expose her powers to the world.  Everyone wants to know who this woman is but this also makes her presence known to some dangerous villains. It is up to her to try and stop them but she cannot do it alone. Who are these evil people and what do are their goals? What people will be able to help her in this quest? And is there any hope of her succeeding in the face of such insurmountable odds?

The cast was well picked and together they have the potential to build something great with this show. The plot is very clever and the pilot did a really good job of setting a strong foundation that intrigued this writer and made him curious as to what will happen next. The soundtrack is very well composed and helps intensify the good and bad scenes that go on here. The sets and costumes are perfect and really help bring this city to life for the modern world.

But the best thing about this show is how relate-able the main character is. People with be able to empathize with her and she begins in a place this writer is sure tons of people have been before in life. Moments of wishing you could be something more than who you are is common today and it was wonderful to see a person who truly had the ability to grow into something more than a simple assistant. With such a strong message like this it is a show that many people can learn from. It is also nice to see a hero that girls will be able to relate to and look up to.  Hopefully this show will begin a shift where this will become a more common trend, this writer would like to see that happen sooner than later.

The pilot gets 8.5/10. The pilot was better than I expected and there is much more going on here than this writer thought was possible but this is a good thing. The show did begin a little slow but once it began there is little that can stop it from moving forward toward a strong goal. The foes are going to be tough to beat but I am sure Supergirl can find a way to win the day this season. It is a show that has potential to become amazing and could become the next big superhero TV show.

If you are looking for a new superhero show to watch this is the one to check out. If you want to find a good female role model for your kids this is the person they need to tune in to. Supergirl airs Mondays at 8:30 pm on CBS.

Watch the stupendous trailer below:

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