The Good Men Project

Take a Look at these Golden Girls Bowling Uniform Funko Pops

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(c) Funko

Check out these Golden Girls Bowling Uniform Funko Pops

I am familiar with the TV Show The Golden Girls. Although it was a bit before my time, I know the characters and have seen many funny clips from this show. This was a popular show that ran for a good amount of seasons. Well now these characters are getting their own Bowling Uniform Funko Pops. Here is a sneak peek into these upcoming Funko Pops.

(c) Funko

These are some great Golden Girls Funko Pops. Each one does a wonderful job capturing the personalities of these characters. They also do a good job bringing a hilarious episode from this show to life. Fans of this show will want to add these Funko Pops to their collection. You can pre-order these Bowling Uniform Funko Pops here.

(c) Funko

These Golden Girls Bowling Uniform Funko Pops will be available January 2021.

(c) Funko


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