The Good Men Project

The Guys of ‘Horrible Bosses 2’ Are Back for More

Bosses 2 fixed

Nick, Dale, and Kurt are Back! They are teaming up to succeed by their own rules.

Horrible Bosses was a movie that came out in 2011 and turned out to be a surprise hit. It had a stellar cast and a different kind of plot. It was something that many men could relate to, I mean, Who has not had a boss that they hate? It struck a cord with many people. This is a film men will love, and it will has many scenes that people will easily relate to. Go see it with your buddies, it will make you laugh until it hurts.

One day during a holiday break from school, I decided to check out Horrible Bosses. I not only really liked it, but it made me laugh harder than I had in a long time. I related to the characters, and the humor was smart and well thought out. The whole cast helped make this a great film, and the way it flowed and the surprises made it a film that had me on the edge of my seat. It is one of my favorite films, and I was excited when I heard news of a sequel. I cannot say that Horrible Bosses 2 was as good as the first movie, but it is worth watching.

Nick , Dale and Kurt are back together, and their lives are pretty different.  They no longer work for awful bosses, and have actually tried to go into business for themselves and have created a new product they hope will make them rich. They go on a TV show and end up finding an investor to help get their product “The Shower Buddy” out to the public. They hire a staff and finish making a ton of them, but quickly they receive bad news. Their investor says he no longer needs them, he has made a product of his own that is similar to theirs, but it has a better name. They are in danger of losing their new company and having to fire all of their employees. These three friends are in real trouble; to add insult to injury they also owe a loan to the bank. They come up with a plan to get the money, but the risks will be huge and there is much danger ahead. Will they be able to get the money in time? Is there anyone they know who could help them figure out what to do? What type of hi-jinks will they experience along the way?

Charlie Day, Jason Bateman and Jason Sudeikis are a great team in this new movie. The way they play off each other is perfect, and it is easy to see they had a blast working together. They are a believable pair of friends, and they truly will do anything to help each other out. No matter how crazy things get, they will never give up. Men will enjoy watching them on the screen, and besides: What man hasn’t had friends like this before? One of the best comedy pairs I have seen in years, and one that will make you truly laugh until you are crying.

Jennifer Aniston returns for a fun cameo, and she brings some new quirks in her character. She seems to have changed her sexually harassing behavior, but maybe she hasn’t. She also has fun coming back to this series again, and will bring some good laughs and her usual brand of risque behavior. She really is a good actress, I just wish she played roles like this more often. She brings some twists to the film.

Chris Pine is one of the newcomers, and he is a multi-faceted character. It is fun to watch him, and it is hard to tell just what his role really is. He has many sides to him, and there are times you will love him and moments you will despise him. It is one of his best roles to date, and one that you must see for yourself.

This was a truly a movie made with men in mind. It is not only obvious by the type of humor, but by how important teamwork and friendship is throughout this picture. Nick, Dale and Kurt are better friends than ever before, even though their lives have changed drastically. They do their best to stick together, and want to have a common goal. The events that transpired last time have made them realize what they want, and joined together they go for it. They are a great team, and it was a pleasure to see men working so well in a film. It made me think of old male friendships I once had as a younger lad, and just how quickly they can be over.

This was a good film, but not one of the best comedies I have seen all year. It was a bit sillier than the first movie, and the plot was not as good. It did have some more twists which was great, and I definitely did enjoy myself when I saw it. Sadly people like Kevin Spacey and Jamie Foxx didn’t have as big a role to play, and this does hurt the film. They both helped the last film be a success, and to see them in smaller roles is a real shame. The new villain this time around was good, but truthfully not as sinister as I had hoped. If the villain had been different in any way, it would have definitely made this go from a good film to an unbelievable film. But if you liked Horrible Bosses, chances are very good that you will love this movie too.

This movie did not do that well this weekend. It got the #5 spot and made only $15.7 million, not that good of an opening if you ask me. Critics were pretty harsh on this film, but audiences did give it better praise. If it doesn’t make more money in the coming weeks, this may be the last time we see this cast come together.

If you are looking for a new comedy, look no further. If you want to go see a film with your male friends, this is the movie to run out and see. It has some funny parts, and is worth the price of a ticket. Go and check it out, you will be glad that you did.




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