The Good Men Project

Trailer for Every Award Winning Movie Ever


The Academy Awards are over and now the next year of possible winners is upon us. This mock trailer shows why some of the new hopefuls might seem familiar. 

Ever get the feeling that Hollywood is out of ideas and just recycles the same major plots and themes? Well you’re not alone, the folks of the comedy website Cracked made this wonderful trailer pointing out just how similar movies can really be.

The trailer uses some tried and true elements of past award winners, and in the time since the trailer was originally made there have been several movies that have the same elements. It’s almost as if writers have cracked a code for figuring out just what will garner positive reactions from critics and fans alike.

However it strikes you; funny that the basics of film writing can be broken down into a three minute video or upsetting because original stories are few and far between, this mock trailer is pretty great.



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