The Good Men Project

‘Utopia’ or Total Anarchy?


Fox’s new reality show is a social experiment. Will it succeed or will it explode?

The Fox network is trying their hand at creating the ideal society with their new fall series, Utopia. This show is part social experiment with a large dose of reality TV. It’s a grand idea and all about the fundamental pieces of society: law, sexuality, politics, religion, and basic human survival. The first episode aired with 14 “pioneers,” a barn for shelter, $5000 cash in a safe, 15 acres of fertile land, a few animals for food, a pond and a waterfall, and a year to make it all work. Out of this they are meant to create a perfect society, but what has happened, so far, is anything but…


Executive producer, Conrad Green, explained that he hopes to see “people from very different backgrounds across America coming together, working out their differences, and working out new ways of structuring a society.” The common theme in all of the pioneers is that they all disagree with the way our country is working now. They would like to see changes made towards their own agenda.


It doesn’t take long before the agendas of such a diverse group, begin to clash. The ex-con from Queens inevitably collides with the general contractor with a drinking problem. The pastor struggles with the nudity, that abounds from the swimming hole, and the polyamorous dancer, who leads the charge towards free love and nudity. The lawyer collides with the anti-government libertarian over what kind of governing body they should use and what punishments are appropriate. The moonshiner and the personal chef collide over food preparation.. I mean who Wouldn’t want to eat a chicken that died of “natural causes?”… It seems that this group can’t agree on anything.


If you ever wondered what would it be like if we had a real-life The Truman Show, this is the show for you. You can watch the pioneers two nights a week, Tuesday and Friday (8pm EST), create their Utopia. It’s also available to you with the round-the-clock live streaming at (if you’re willing the pay the $4.99 a month for full access). Will these 14 colorful, highly opinionated, and exhibitionistic society creators achieve their goals? Or will they starve while trying to decide what is more important, a stove or a chicken tractor? You be the judge.



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