The Good Men Project

‘We Wish Ewe a Merry Christmas’ Perfectly Embodies the Xmas Spirit

‘We Wish Ewe a Merry Christmas’ Uses simple characters to tell some heartwarming stories

Shaun the Sheep is a really good character. He first appeared in the Wallace and Gromit short A Close Shave in 1995. He showed up again in Shopper 13 a short film from the Wallace and Gromit Cracking Contraptions series in 2002. Since then his popularity has only grown. He got his own show in 2007 in the UK which consists so far of 150 seven minute episodes. Last year Shaun the Sheep got his own feature length movie that I absolutely loved. We Wish Ewe a Merry Christmas is a DVD full of a number of holiday themed episodes. I was able to get a review copy and here is what I thought of it.

shaun the sheep, we wish ewe a merry christmas, review, animated, comedy, ardman animations

(c) Ardman Animations

Here is the plot for We Wish Ewe a Merry Christmas:

’Tis the season to be woolly with Shaun the Sheep™ and his farmyard friends. Frolic with the flock as they decorate the farmhouse for the Farmer, watch Bitzer and Pidsley battle for a spot by the fire, join a massive snowball fight and much more in these seven hilarious episodes.

(c) Ardman Animations

I really liked We Wish Ewe a Merry Christmas. Each episode was simple but did a great job expressing the spirit of the holidays. It was great to see all of the silly hi-jinks that occurred on this small farm and yet somehow everything works out in the end. It was also a real feat to see so much happen in such a short time. I was amazed how such good tales could be told that made you laugh, smile and some even will warm your heart. You can learn more about Shaun the Sheep on this website.

(c) Ardman Animations

You can Bring home some “ewe-ltide” cheer when the seven-episode holiday special We Wish Ewe a Merry Christmas arrives on DVD, Digital HD and On Demand November 1 from Lionsgate. You can follow Shaun the Sheep on Facebook and Twitter.

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