The Good Men Project

Worlds Collide in DreamWorks ‘Home’

Home 4 redone

 A film that takes two misfits on a crazy adventure.

A new animated feature by Dreamworks is coming Friday, and you must not miss it. It has action, comedy, heartfelt moments, a clever plot and special effects the likes audiences have not seen before. Kids will fall in love with this movie for so many reasons, and it is a great movie to see with your family.

This film deals with an alien species called the Boov. They live in a distant galaxy and are a race that don’t have much of a clue about humanity. They think they are beloved and doing good by them, but Tip and many other people disagree. These two species come together because of the Boov’s cowardly ways against their enemy. They have run from planet to planet to avoid their wrath, and running away is what they do best. The Boov are not a social species, but Oh sure is. He wants nothing more than to have friends over and have parties but he usually finds himself alone with nobody to talk to but himself.

Tip is an earthling teenager who also happens to be alone in this film, except for her cat Pig. Thanks to the Boov she was separated from her mom, and wants nothing more than to find her. Through an odd serious of events these two beings bump into each other. Tip has little trust in Oh, but with his big heart and lovely ignorance he thinks they will be instant friends. But when he says he may be able to help her mom, she reluctantly agrees.

Thus this film begins and many awesome things happen along the way, but I refuse to spoil any of them for you. Some surprises happen along the way and some difficult to admit truths are discovered. Why have the Boov really come to Earth? Why does this species hate them so much? And can Oh really help Tip find her mom?

Jim Parsons was made to play Oh. He is a simple but somewhat naive character, and Parsons really brings him to life. He has an odd way of talking that most normal people would never understand, much like Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory. Although he does not appear to be the smartest of his species, his caring nature and desire to please others make him a character that is hard to not like. Kids can learn so much from Oh, and who knows their parents may learn a few things as well.

This movie has a great original plot, one that is not given away at all by the trailers. There is so much more going on than it seems, and that made this a wonderful film to watch. In a day and age when it is easy to find out what films are about before they are released Dreamworks did a splendid job of keeping this one a secret. There are a couple of fun twists and turns that will surprise you, and some things people will not see coming.

But the best thing about this movie is the special effects. The way the galaxy is brought to life is unbelievable. Each place is full of wonder and colors that will dazzle the senses. It is also awesome to see how futuristic all of the Boov’s technology is. From versions of a GPS, to a small handheld laptop type of device to bubbles that help them get around earth to a cool car that flies and is run by slushies. There is no device that does not have a purpose, but they also can light up the scene and make this picture one of a kind.

This was a film that has so much good things going for it. It has a perfect cast who work well together, a score that fits in each scene and never feels out of place and a look at issues that society still deals with today like feelings of inadequacy and the fear of being alone without any friends. Because of this the movie gets a 9/10. It is a movie that is perfect to take the whole family to, and one that kids will want to watch again and again.

If you are looking for a film to take your kids to see this is the film to choose. If you are looking for a good animated movie and want to have some laughs then run out and see this movie. It is even better in 3D, and movies like this don’t come out every day. It is made for kids, but has elements that everyone will enjoy.

Check out the trailer:


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