The Good Men Project

5 Tips To Start Your Business From Scratch

Everyone wants to have a business venture but fail to read the 5 tips to start your business from scratch. This article excludes entrepreneurs and businessmen who are well established in the industry. This is for neophyte entrepreneurs who wish to start a business with small capital in their pocket. Every individual wants to start their venture in Business and Entrepreneur but doesn’t know how to start and initiate the project.

As a Young Entrepreneur who early this year (2019) started his own freelancing agency and a freelancer himself, Mr. Cadir always hears the same questions over and over again from his fellow freelancers, questions like “how did you manage to start your agency?” “how much did it cost you” “what are the challenges in starting your own business?”. No wonder that most of the people who wish to start their own business failed to materialize their plan because they don’t have these 5 tips to start their own business from scratch.

1. Do what you love.

To start your business from scratch, make sure you love the things that you do or else you will end up bored. Doing what you love is the driving passion for you to start your own business since you need time, energy, perseverance, and positive thinking. Without these characteristics, you will end up quitting what you have started.

2. Do some research

Starting your own business from scratch is not as simple as A, B, and C. You need to do in-depth research about the business that you will be going to start with. How will you market your business? what will be the chances of getting clients? how can you reach your target customer? what services will you offer? How’s your competitor doing? And the likes. You need to answer all the questions that pop out on your mind. If needed, ask those who are doing this business and get some information from them.

3. Plan your Business Career

Plan, plan, plan. Plan your way to success or else you plan to fail. List all the things you need for your business. From A to Z. If you know how SWOT analysis works, then list all your Strength and Weakness and plan the Opportunity and the Treat of your business. With the SWOT Analysis and the research you did, you will find yourself ready to face all the challenges then you will meet halfway.

4. Talk to an expert

Building your dream is almost impossible without any coaches and experts to help and guide you on how you will start your own business from scratch. You may need professional coaches and business agencies that will give you the technicalities of your business. You need their service since you don’t have the expertise to run it by yourself. Although most of the stuff will be done by you, leave the technicalities to the experts. If possible, learn with them.

5. Make sure to have some extra cash

Building your business needs some extra cash since you will not be going to earn on the first 3 to 6 months of your venture. Some entrepreneurs even spent the whole year without getting any cash just to build their branding. If you are currently working, better save some amount for yourself and your business. This is the best time for you since you will be going to spend a lot and you need a source of income to support your Physical Needs.

Working your way in building your own business, it is always an edge to read back the 5 tips to start your business from scratch. With Barjunaid Cadir’s experienced, he manages to build his own agency by merely working as an Online Freelancer who helps business-minded people and entrepreneur to build their social impact by establishing their own website and marketing their own brand.

Previously published here and reprinted with the author’s permission.

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