The Good Men Project

Becoming a Catalyst of Change Leveraging the Power of Innovations Is Kuzey With His Company Æ.

Today, making a prominent name for oneself in any industry is no cakewalk. It may even take years for a few individuals to get out there and create a unique niche for themselves and their brands and businesses. However, it is people and visionaries like Kuzey who, even as young business talents, have been changing the game of entrepreneurship for the better by being catalysts of change in society through leveraging the power of innovations. Kuzey is one of the top names in the business world today from Canada, who has been doing that and with his company Æ has been making his name count as a true-blue business owner and innovator.

Over the years, Kuzey understood how other companies got entangled in the rat race and only focused on attaining faster success and growth. However, he saw this as a gap in the business world and thus aimed to build a company of his that could think beyond only making profits and can support products/services that could even impact humanity positively. With Æ, Kuzey taps into the potential of technology and determinedly moves ahead in taking the world forward. He is confident that Æ will be the next-gen technology that will help change the world fundamentally and bridge the gap between technology and consumers. He believes that by applying modern tech, products will become intelligent, interactive, and revolutionary, which will have a greater impact on the world.

Kuzey also believes that by 2028, his company, which is managing companies and investments in the tech and entertainment sectors, will become a billion-dollar company. It is also a responsible company that believes in giving back to society and hence will contribute a percentage of its earnings to different charities. Creating future products that can impact people’s lives and humankind for the better is what Æ all about at its very core, he highlights. It will make lives easier using extensive research and development.

Do check out his website to know more. You can connect to him on Instagram.

This content is brought to you by Umesh Agarwal.

Photo provided by the author with written permission from owner Kuzey

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