The Good Men Project

Doing Business at The Speed of Love

You have the power to change the world through love. Where is your love?



“To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

You know the saying, “Success in business is all about making connections.” Old school thinking would relate that to the “who you know” scenario, but in leadership it is so much deeper.

My friend and business strategist, Lou D’alo, describes it as “doing business at the speed of love.” Lou and I sat one afternoon on his wooden high-deck with the sun directly above and chatted about the formation of connections.

With tea in hand, birds chirping in the background and the wind lightly blowing through the beautiful Toronto landscape, we examined how we have arrived at this point in time in our careers to cherish the success and incredible networks. Over laughter and fond memories, we identified that all of the successful entrepreneurs in our networks are very connected.

How have these entrepreneurs developed such incredible networks?

It is simple. Go on a quest to deeply learn about people – their values, concerns, and goals.

I have found that slowing down to ‘read the story’ of each contact provides me with an opportunity to identify where we align with values, outlook, and objectives. With this information, I have the clarity needed to offer my support utilizing my strengths and superpowers.

Adopt a Giving and Serving Attitude

Building a strong network is about giving first.

Andrew Sobel, author of Power Relationships, believes that if you want to connect with someone you should find a way to help that person.

Adam Grant’s book Give and Take offers some science to show that the most successful people have learned the art of giving as well as how to set healthy boundaries around their generosity when necessary.

“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” This quote by Maya Angelou really sums it up. People want to feel like you really care about them.

A recent Inc. article explains that people who build extraordinary business relationships are open enough to roll up their sleeves and step in to help solve a specific problem: “Not because they want to build a better relationship, although that is certainly the result, but simply because they care.”

What happens after people feel supported? They want to understand what makes you tick and what’s important to you. After I spend the time to know and support those in my network, I find that most often what follows is collaboration, celebration, gratitude and/or reciprocation. When you take time to slow down and do business at the speed of love, you create powerful connections who in turn have your back.

In 2013, I came across Claudia Chan’s SHE Summit (an annual women’s empowerment conference). After a bit of research, it was clear that Claudia’s mission is closely aligned with mine. I wanted to support her efforts.

During this time, I was the co-founding CEO of the national chocolate company, NibMor, which provided me with the opportunity to reach out to Claudia and sponsor her event by featuring our chocolate. I took it a step further though. I reached out to Claudia about 3 weeks before the event to ask her about her biggest challenges in getting everything finalized for the conference. She told me that her biggest challenge was sourcing other food vendors in the marketplace as sponsors. As a testament of my support, I made the necessary calls to my network and was able to garner interest.

Claudia and I soon became good friends. In fact, fast forward a few years, Claudia reached out to invite me as her guest on a trip to Toronto where she was being featured as a keynote speaker. This event was a pivotal moment in my life. I have met some of my closest friends and colleagues as a result of the Toronto SociaLight event. It was through those connections that I was fortunate enough to meet Lou D’alo, my dear friend and business strategist.

The incredible connections and the completed deals were a result of adopting a giving spirit, which has given me a 10x return. Yet, I was not expecting anything in return.

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want,” says author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar.

Love Yourself

Building a strong connection with others begins with accepting and valuing all the unique gifts that we each bring to the world—and believing that we are meant to share them.

Accepting the beauty of ourselves lets others see who we really are, which makes them more ready to trust and receive our offerings. The act of loving ourselves enables us to bravely reach out and positively impact a countless number of lives.

Self-love and an attitude of service creates deep, long-lasting connections that positively impact the world—and pull in an army of people who will have your back! This is leadership; this is doing business at the speed of love.

This article originally appeared in The Huffington Post.

Photo credit: Getty Images

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