The Good Men Project

CEO of CW Petroleum Corp, Chris Williams, on Creating a Healthy Balance Between Work and Family

Chris Williams, CEO of CW Petroleum Corp (OTCQB: CWPE) believes that every entrepreneur has the potential for greatness, as every business has stemmed from a seemingly small idea. Having started from humble beginnings himself, Williams remained determined and patient in order to garner the experience he needed to set himself up for success. His personal roadmap of values, as well as his knowledge in the industry, gave way to innovative ideas and a company that provides an individualized experience. But how did Williams balance his blossoming company and the responsibilities of family? The answer to that question is what many entrepreneurs are seeking.

Williams has accumulated over ten years of experience in the energy industry, having first worked under S&P Global Platts. By having the opportunity to see firsthand how a global leader in crude oil and refined product publications operated, Williams was able to determine what was and was not working in the energy industry. When an opportunity arose, Williams decided to jump on board alongside his innovative ideas. In 2011, his company CW Petroleum Corp, broke new ground by bringing biodiesel and biodiesel fuel blends to the market. The company also created a proprietary EPA-approved reformulated ethanol-free gasoline that was made available to distributors and end-users alike. While Williams knew he wanted to continue his expansion into other product avenues, he also recognized that he would need to take great care into the smaller details. “Even the smallest details could have the largest impact on your business, so it is important that you do your due diligence when it comes to every aspect of your business”, Williams explains. One of the most important things you can do according to Williams, for yourself and your business, is to plan in advance. “If you rush yourself and your business, you will soon find yourself in too deep. Once you are in over your head, the process for rescuing yourself and your business can be long and exhausting”, states Williams. He lends his success in finding a healthy balance of work and family by taking things slow and really diving into his top priorities to uncover what he values most.

Finding that perfect balance is a challenge, but it is essential in order to expedite personal happiness and become the foundation for success. When he looked into what he values most, Williams knew he would also have to make sacrifices, which could come from either end. He explains that one way to help make both a priority in your life is to set aside time blocks, “Time management is key with running your business as time management is key with spending time with your family in your personal life”. If making time is your priority, then you will be able to find the time in your schedule if you are adept at time management. Williams describes his family as being one of his biggest supporters through life and his ventures, making them one of his top priorities. “There’s always time to work on it the next day. Be active in your work, but also know when to put down the pencil”, Williams states.

Williams is excited for the future of CW Petroleum Corp. He says the company plans on introducing reformulated ethanol-free gasoline to the Northeastern region of the United States relatively soon, as well as expand into the Midwest. Williams hopes to continue raising capital to support the growth of CW Petroleum Corp and the plans of fuel service distribution.

This content is brought to you by Melissa Moraes.


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