The Good Men Project

Digital Strategist Ivan Bosnjak on Why He Uses a Results-Driven Approach

Adopting a digital strategy has become a necessity for any business that wants to remain relevant and competitive. Considering the shift in consumer behavior, which now sees them using smartphones for nearly all online transactions, it’s imperative to create a presence in the online channels they use the most. What many business owners fail to realize is that things don’t stop at creating a business website. This only marks the first step toward the long path of improving online visibility and reach. For the digital strategist, Ivan Bosnjak, a comprehensive and results-driven approach must be at the core of every marketing effort.

Ivan is a digital entrepreneur with one specific mission: help his clients improve their business performance. In 2009, he realized that taking the business to the digital world in the future hasn’t stopped learning since. Ivan Bosnjak was building basic HTML websites back then, but he soon transitioned into more advanced CMS. He says that platforms like WordPress are popular for a reason. They’re easy to set up, user-friendly, and functional, enabling non-technical people to manage their websites independently.

When he was first starting, Ivan explained that everything was much more straightforward. It wasn’t uncommon to publish a keyword-rich post and see it on Google’s front page a couple of days later. Google, however, has revamped its search algorithm multiple times, making it more intelligent than ever. As a result, it has become more challenging to increase organic rankings without a clear and actionable strategy. Add to this that the competition has become stiffer over the years, causing many entrepreneurs to struggle to rank their website.

Ivan found it surprising that many digital marketing agencies continued to demand upfront payments, even if they failed to deliver their promised results. He wanted to offer business owners something more valuable. Rather than conforming to the status quo, Ivan decided to provide a results-driven marketing approach.

At his company, Beconcept, clients get the opportunity to see the strategy’s actual performance before shelling out any money. According to Ivan, charging based on performance is the best way for clients to gauge potential returns on their investment. And on the flip side, his digital marketing specialists team also feel motivated to do their best to meet the client’s expectations.

It’s not every day you’d see a digital marketing agency that uses such a unique approach. Ivan emphasizes the importance of achieving goals together with the client because this doesn’t only lead to actual performance gains but also forms long-lasting relationships in the long run. His team has set up all the necessary tools that allow clients to verify data, such as monitoring systems that facilitate transparency throughout the digital marketing campaign.

Looking back, Ivan credits his engineering background for the methods he uses today. He loves tinkering with things, not the least of which are websites and ad campaigns. Despite having a professional team at Beconcept, Ivan continues to build websites and launch marketing campaigns to ensure that he stays on top of the most significant trends, strategies, and tools.

This content is sponsored by Jim Bevin.

Photo provided by the author.

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