The Good Men Project

How Facebook Ads Help You Gain Valuable Media Exposure

Facebook ads allow you to tighten your targeting, which always results in a more meaningful return. 

Facebook ads are a great tool to use in order to get in front of the media outlets.

When creating Facebook ads, you are able to target a certain audience such as people who have a specific job title and work for desired  companies. Now you can get yourself in front of people who work at the media outlets from which you would like to gain coverage. Everyone uses Facebook, which means reporters, contributors and writers that work for the media outlets are scrolling through their newsfeed just like you are.

It’s also a good idea to target job titles like “podcast host”, “blogger”, “writer”, “reporter”, and “contributor.” After targeting these job titles, make sure the interests match your niche. I would target people whose interests match the entrepreneur field since my key audience is made up of entrepreneurs.

Creating ads specific to reporters, large-scale podcasters and bloggers is going to be different than the ones you create for your standard audience. You really need to put in the effort to make this ad very creative and eye-catching.  The catchiest ads will be video ads.

These videos can’t just be made from the camera inside of your laptop because the built-in microphone and the overhead lighting in your house are inadequate. You really want a professional look and feel to this video so nothing else is distracting your viewer. People wanting to get featured contact your prospects all the time, so it’s important to stand out.

Remember this Facebook ad isn’t meant to be an advertisement of your services; it’s meant to be an advertisement of you. Make sure your video communicates that you are specifically targeting media outlets.

Make it short, powerful and ensure media outlets understand you’re speaking to them. You might make a promotional video that shows all of the media outlets you’ve already been on and at the end, would wrap-up with something like “You are seeing this ad because you are a podcaster, blogger, writer or reporter. I would love the opportunity to share with your audience how I was able to accomplish what you have just seen in a very short amount of time. Please reach out to me if you’d like to do an interview.”

Note: Make sure when building your Facebook ad that you select “The audience must match at least one of the following” and select the job titles mentioned above. This allows for very tight targeting, which will increase the impact of your ad. I’ve run video ads in the past where my cost per video watch was $0.01.


Original article published at Patefactus. Reprinted with permission.





Photo credit: Getty Images

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