The Good Men Project

How To Fully Commit to Goals That Terrify You

We all have that one thing we seriously want to archive: our goals and dreams, things that keep us awake when others are sleeping. Every time we think about it, however, we get terrified in our mind and say, “how is this going to come to reality.” Don’t worry, being terrified is a step forward in achieving your scary goals.

In her book entitled, This Child Will Be Great: Memoir of a Remarkable Life by Africa’s First Woman President, artist Johnson Sirleaf said:

The size of your dream must always exceed your current capacity to achieve the theme. If your dream doesn’t scare you they aren’t big enough.

Humm! what an astonishing quote. But if we have to look at it from the reality aspect, the achievement of some of the world’s most famous or successful people all started for them with a dream. No doubt, their dream scared them but doesn’t stop them from achieving what they want.

However, the fact about achieving your goals comes from within, it’s your mindset that matter most. At every second of our lives, we are either moving towards our goals or getting away from them, we are either scared and terrified with our goal or we decide to take over.

No matter what you want in life, it’s achievable with the right amount of focus, effort, and action. Of course, it’s not just about having big dreams that scare you; you need to also do something to turn those scary dreams into a reality.
Below, therefore, is how to fully commit to goals that terrify you.

1. Stop surviving and start thriving.

It’s high time you stop sitting down in your comfort zone. Enough of thinking and analyzing how you are going to achieve your goals, start working towards it. You might try to avoid failure because it weakens your self-esteem – although failure is a prerequisite for success. Ask any entrepreneur or adventurer, and they will tell you failure is essential.

It is better to try over and over than to keep thinking without taking any action. For many, surviving means getting through the daily huddles, just to endure the same challenges all over again. If you are in this category you won’t be able to meet up to your desire standard unless you’re determined to thrive.

Some people seem to be thriving under whatever conditions they’re faced with, while we wonder why we are stuck in our predicament. The fact is that they learn not to survive alone but to also thrive with whatever situation they are into.

However, to achieve your goals that seem unattainable you have to stop surviving and start thriving.

2. Create strong network access for yourself.

You must know that networking is a strong backbone for success. No matter how beautiful your idea might be, you need people that have gone through what you are going through, you need people who have been successful in the business you are planning to venture into.

As we all know that goals come in different forms, yours might be getting a new house, upgrading your business and others. All this can be easily achieved if you have the right people around you.

A lot of successful business persons, like Nicholas Dutko of Auto Transport Quote Services, also attested to the fact that creating strong network access for yourself helps you to achieve more than standing alone. He said, “People who have strong business network are always on top of the market.”

Building a relationship with other successful business owners will allow your company to gain additional work exposure and to know things going on in the market.”

3. Seek new information to clarify your new goal.

4. Don’t wait for miracle, take action now.

For many things, we wait around for the perfect conditions to go after our dreams. The fact in most situation is that waiting for the perfect time to start a new thing later leads to disappointment, stagnation, and failure.

Just as best auto transport companies advise people to ship their cars early even before traveling, there’s never a perfect time or day for your dreams. The best time to start executing your thought and plans is now.

Growth requires offense — or what psychologists call an “approach-orientation” where you focus more on the rewards of a new future than the potential risks.
You must advance, otherwise, you’re going backward and you will be counting days not achieving your goals.

5. Commit to your dreams regardless of external conditions.

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.” — Frank Tibolt


If you believe that something is possible; though it might be impeded, yet it’s still going to be possible.

Our orientation speaks well of our destination. One of the most deadly things on the human race is having an impossibility mindset. It robs you of creativity and sets you on the lane of downfall.

Let your dream be so big that small-minded people will look at you and laugh. Belief in your dreams and work towards it. Obstacles are natural. So be sure to stand for it and don’t stop moving. Before you know it you are there.

In conclusion

Never give up on your goals no matter how big they are, work hard till you get your desired result, the harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.

This content is sponsored by Perfect Motivations, Inc.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

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