The Good Men Project

If You Stop Learning You Lose (How to Get Back in the Habit)


I am today going to address a topic no one is talking about now. I have a unique perspective because I do about 100 training programs a year. Here what I am seeing. In class, I will ask, “Who has ever read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?” Out of a group of thirty people one hand will go up. I am not asking about an obscure book, but one that has been on the business bestseller list for 30 years. The rest of the class has never heard of it.

According to research by the Pew Research Center 68 percent of men read at least one book last year. OK, that is the good news, but here is the bad news: that means that 32 percent didn’t read one at all in a whole year, (52 weeks 365 days).

When I talk to people they tell me they don’t read (learn) for the following reasons:

“I have never been much of a reader.”

“Between work and home I am just too busy.”

“I read on my device all day at work the last thing I want to do is read when I get home.”

There is a whole range of other reasons people tell me—way too many to mention. Here is the reality; instead of reading they are watching TV, or surfing the internet. Is that you my man? Look I am not criticizing, I am just passionate about everyone learning all the time.

I want to help you, and my goal is to convince you why you need to keep learning and then give you some quick tips you maybe can use today.

Reasons why you have to learn now:

One note—if you have never liked to read that is OK, I am not judging you. Just listen to audio books or watch videos of the same topics online.

I am asking you to make a commitment learning now. I am also asking you to commit to nonfiction most of the time. You learn so much more than reading fiction.

Here are some techniques for finding time to read/learn:

The reality is every year you need to be a different, better, improved version of you. So let the new you start today. You can do this!

This post is republished on Medium.

Photo credit: iStock


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