The Good Men Project

Is Working From Home Too Much?

OK, so maybe you have a husband and kids instead of a wife, but that’s not the point. The point is that Covid-19 saw most of us working remotely if we could. Even now, this late into the second half of 2021, we are still experiencing remote work. Big players like PayPal, JPMorgan, and Microsoft have all decided the WFH move will be permanent where possible. There are even rumors that Google is making remote staff take a pay cut.

If the home office has got you blue and you’re feeling less than thrilled at the prospect, don’t panic. We know a few ways you can get around remote work without having to get a new job. So read on if you are merrily working away and wondering why you struggle to get out of bed in the morning. You might be approaching burnout without even realizing it.

How to Tell if WFH is Getting You Down

Working From Home started as everyone’s dream job but quickly escalated into a living nightmare for many. Working From Home Fatigue has recently been identified and put down to three things: difficulty turning off from work, too much screen time, and too many digital distractions. People who WFH no longer have the clear-cut separation between their home space and their workspace. In short, their work/life balance is out of sync.

We brandy about the term work/life balance as a bit of a buzzword – but here’s what it means. You have to keep your working life and your home life separate to maintain a good balance in your mental health. People who experience remote work burnout feel they are always switched on. Their work is never finished because it comes home with them.

If you start to feel a lack of energy and enthusiasm, if you think there is no difference between a Thursday and a Friday anymore, and if you struggle to switch off in the evening, your work/life balance is out of sync. Don’t worry; getting back to work will fix it.

How to Get Back to Work?

Fortunately, there are ways that we can get back to work even if our bosses don’t want us to. A remote office (like finding coworking space Singapore) helps you get back to work, out of the house, and you don’t even need to tell your boss about it. You could be renting your workspace where amenities and facilities are shared, running costs are spread between participants, and you get to work from a real office instead of a home one.

Of course, this is only one way. You may want to think about applying for other jobs that will let you work in the office instead of remotely. It’s essential to explore your options so that you don’t feel trapped and burn out. Whatever works for you, WFH isn’t the be-all and end-all. Try something new today; a coworking space might be just what you need to feel like yourself again.

This content is sponsored by Jim Bevin.


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