The Good Men Project

Ken Cox Sheds Light On The Desire for Greatness

We all love reading those rags-to-riches stories, looking for a way to relate to the human experiences leading to lavish lifestyles. Hand to heart, the successful image has an appeal that fascinates many. It is a state of being that people strive for, dream of, and constantly pursue.

There’s an endless supply of resources promising to reveal the elusive recipe for success, from self-help books and online courses to motivational speakers and business coaches. But, in reality, that road is rarely a straight line, and there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for success, with every successful person having a unique story filled with trials, tribulations, and triumphs.

What is it about greatness, then, that keeps people so mesmerized? With stories and information about entrepreneurs’ tremendous accomplishments coming from all sides, it comes as no surprise that the moment people learn about others’ immense achievements, they would like to find a way to get there themselves. One such story of Ken Cox, President of Hostirian, a St. Louis-based internet services and data center company with over 20 years of experience across software and e-commerce industries.

Striving for betterment and elevation, depending on the height of ambition, does not necessarily have to carry negative connotations or outcomes. As Ken says, “When you start off your business, the end goal is just striving for greatness. For all it’s worth, it ultimately comes down to continually raising the bar.”

However, it’s safe to say that the world is constantly changing. Technology advances, new discoveries are made daily, and business trends push the bar higher and higher, making the stairway toward success seem unattainable. But for Ken Cox, developing a recession-proof business is critical. Despite all of that, as long as a clear goal is carved out, entrepreneurs-to-be can brave the changes and the oscillations, no matter the circumstances they find themselves in.

“Our team has taken on the challenge of revolutionizing a historically stagnant industry, one that we never thought we would be involved in,” Ken says. “However, as a provider to a global 500 company, we recognize the importance of staying in this line of business.”

It is important to note that striving for greatness does not equal being perfect. Ken religiously tries to deconstruct this in his podcast Clicks and Bricks. The common denominators his guests and Ken himself find amusing is the shared belief that “perfectionists are rarely happy with their achievements, which often results in people pushing the boulder uphill.”

Ken believes that “Greatness or excellence keeps us on our feet. It drives us to maintain high standards and improves our productivity and efficiency.” In his experience, it keeps people grounded, reminding us that setbacks are not defeats but rather valuable lessons to be learned.

Setting ambitious goals is a crucial first step toward prosperity. However, without a clear vision and a plan to achieve these goals, people can easily get lost in their aspirations. Breaking down larger objectives into smaller, achievable steps is essential to keep motivation high and ensure progress.

For Ken, “the easiest way to do this is to clearly visualize the end goal.” Although a cliché, it’s a highly useful tool. As Ken says, “It can be something as simple as thinking about the final service or product, about who the target consumers are, and what is needed in order to make it happen.”

He points out that “even though some people may find this intimidating, once the ice is broken, each new step is easier and easier to navigate.” A way to ensure one’s ambitions stay in line with one’s capabilities is to ensure that a person’s definition of success correlates with their views on life and personal goals. Many businesspeople say their success did not come from the crude “all work and no play” but rather from keeping realistic and aligning their aspirations with current trends and offers. No matter how high the bar is, having sensible goals will put success within grasp of the hand.

However, the brute reality is that for most new entrepreneurs, things will eventually get rough. Like no rose is without a thorn, all business endeavors come with unique challenges. In times like these, Ken points out that “celebrating even the tiniest of wins and visualizing future success can help entrepreneurs stay energized and keep the motivation levels high.” Although motivation works differently for different people, Ken emphasizes that “it’s important to embrace failure and understanding that it, too, is part of the learning process.”

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Photos provided by the author with written permission.

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