The Good Men Project

Meet the CEO of Digital Brandz, Jacoby Mondy – The 21st Century Man Who Helps Other Ecommerce Businessmen Survive Amidst COVID 19

Living during the reign of COVID-19 has been challenging. The contagious virus not only robbed thousands of lives but…also forced many businesses to shut down.

Few businesses had a contingency plan for a global health crisis. Many retail stores went out of business. And the ones that managed to survive struggled tirelessly to make ends meet. Physical shopping had become impossible and stores were empty.

But…online companies saw a boom in sales! They had tons of customers and endless revenue.

For retail store owners, this was a valuable lesson: The power of having an online presence. In order for businesses to survive and continue to prosper, there has to be an online presence, no matter what virus or apocalypse hits the earth.

And this is exactly what Jacoby Mondy’s company Digital Brandz does. They help brands start their new journey towards success, online even amidst a global pandemic.

Without a strong online presence, most businesses can never survive the fierce competition.

Hence, Digital Brandz assists and mentors small startups. It gears them with all the needed resources to emerge victorious in today’s competitive era.

Let’s get into more depth of Digital Brandz – The Digital Agency Helping People Make Millions Online.

Digital Brandz


Digital Brandz LLC is a famous marketing firm headquartered in Atlanta, GA. The firm is co-owned by two skilled and ambitious businessmen, Jacoby Mondy and Michael. Both owners have a strong background in sales, marketing, and psychology.

Like many successful businesses, Digital Brandz didn’t get immense success overnight. They too, faced several setbacks. But they didn’t give up! Instead, they conducted thorough research for resources that would help Digital Brandz grow.

During their research, they found that most marketing firms had the same processes that were very similar to what they were already doing. This had to change. They needed to stand out. So, they decided to design a systematic process. This process encouraged them to redesign the website and eCommerce business for the best.

To gain recognition, Jacoby and Michael worked endlessly to approach celebrities who had online stores. They sent out many messages with ‘before and after’ screenshots of websites they had worked on. Including examples of revamps to websites that were already built. This went on for weeks, and their spirits sank low as there was no response from the celebrities.

But, their hard work finally paid off. A renowned celebrity, Premadonna, responded to Digital Brandz’s message. She was a six-figure entrepreneur and let Digital Brandz design her website.

Digital Brandz outdid themselves. Not only did they design her website but they also applied their new in-house technology and tools that helped Premadonna to scale her business to eight figures. She praised Digital Brandz and thanked them graciously for advancing her business.

Along with website designing, Jacoby and Michael are also adept with behavioral psychology. They use these skills to help businesses redesign their models for better performance. Since inception, Digital Brandz has helped more than 10,000 people with business development and business funding.

They were more than happy to help people build their business in the pandemic stricken world.

Businesses Digital Brandz Has Helped!

Jacoby Mondy is an influential industry leader. His company Digital Brandz helps people to expand their businesses and their bank accounts.

Here’s a list of the online companies that Digital Brandz worked with:


No wonder these are all millionaire brands. But, Digital Brandz does not only work with high-end brands.

In fact, Jacoby Mondy is enthusiastic to mentor small businesses and startups. He looks forward to taking them to new heights of success. He understands how difficult it can be for start-up entrepreneurs to grow their business and provides solutions that prevent new business owners from giving up their dreams of entrepreneurship. He knows that the competition in the market is sky-high.

Each day hundreds of businesses enter the arena of the online world, as there are zero barriers of entry. Any person can start a business. All that’s needed is a good internet connection and a laptop.

However, it is not easy for businesses to make their mark in the highly competitive world.


Jacoby Mondy’s expertise helps to give a head start to new or struggling businesses.

How Does Digital Brandz Help Businesses?

Digital Brandz helps the clients ace the following areas of their businesses:

1.   Branding

Starbucks vs Dunkin Donuts

Starbucks has become the #1 coffee shop in the world and has surpassed Dunkin Donuts by a milestone. But why?

It is because of the power of branding! Branding yourself and your products can change the sales game for businesses.

The next area they help with is…

2.   Marketing

Digital Brandz helps businesses find their target market. They suggest effective ways to market the brand and attract prospects.

It focuses greatly on…

3.   Social Media Marketing

There are more than 3.6 billion people on social media. Marketing a business on this platform is a surefire way to increase brand awareness.

Digital Brandz shares the proven methods to ace social media marketing like a pro!

4.   Press and PR

The blue verified badge looks great next to the social media handle. It removes all the hesitation of a person and tempts him to like the page.

Digital Brandz also assists:

5.   Business Funding

Banks have strict lending criteria. Because of this, many businesses especially start ups, suffer financially and have no way to gain capital. Digital Brandz helps businesses that need funding to keep their businesses afloat.

A business’s credit score needs to be fair to excellent to get approved for a 500k dollar business loan.

And as we mentioned before, the firm also helps with…

6.   Web Development

COVID-19 has put many brick-and-mortar stores out of business. But the online stores stood strong and enjoyed a great surge in their sales.

Websites are like the digital storefronts of brands. A well-designed website with user-friendly tools attracts prospects and enhances their shopping experience.

Digital Brandz is one of the most popular marketing firms. They understand the expectations of buyers from the business’s website. Thus, they design and develop an excellent website and online presence for businesses.

But how do they do it?

Does Jacoby handle it all alone? Nope.

He requires a team of proficient and competent experts to make a business successful. Digital Brandz has got the best team of:


They work together to produce the best design and content for the business.

Jacoby Mondy is also the founder of Koolest Nerd Ever. Here he offers the programs to new entrepreneurs and shares his wisdom with them. People can learn the secrets and strategies to success by taking one of his masterclasses.

Silver Lining For Businesses in COVID-19

Doctors and healthcare workers are pushing their stride to treat the COVID-19 infected. They’re trying their best to control the spread of the virus.

And as for the struggling businesses, Jacoby is here to lend a helping hand. He creates a strong online identity for businesses. Which in return helps businesses to reach more people.

With Jacoby’s expertise and excellence, businesses can soar to new heights of success.

Learn more about Jacoby and his companies on his social handles:

This content is brought to you by Jitender Jagga.

Feature photo provided by the author with written permission from Jacoby Mondy.

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