The Good Men Project

Snark, Rants and Plenty of Meh for the 280 Twitter

Source: – %23280Characters

The social media behemoth officially moved to 280 characters per tweet as its new standard this week after previously allowing a randomly selected group to test-drive the feature. President Donald Trump immediately latched onto the change and has been tweeting in long form from Asia about a host of subjects including Virginia’s Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie, who lost to Democrat Ralph Northam. He wrote, “Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!” Plenty of others have made fun of how much can be squeezed into a 280-character tweet, including famous movie scenes and run-on sentences. Despite the snark, early indicators are that people are lukewarm on the wordier Twitter: Over the last day, the hashtag #280Characters has a 60 percent positive score on Social. –Alex Shultz

Republished from 30dB

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