The Good Men Project

Stay Passionate to Prevent Failure


You Can’t Buy Security by “Fitting In” Anymore

What is one guaranteed way to smother the spark of excitement in your business? Losing sight of what makes you want to work — your passion — can eliminate your potential for success. It is essential to have a burning desire to succeed in order to achieve both career and personal goals.

Business is all about innovation, and it requires a person to be constantly thinking on his toes. Successful business leaders have the ability to anticipate changes, make adjustments, and work through difficult situations. If you’ve lost your passion and your interest in doing this, your chances of success will diminish, and you’ll only become detached from your career. Passion allows us to be fully engaged and involved in our work; without it, it becomes just that: work.

Passionate Workers Are Successful Workers

When you are excited to be working at a company, you can truly immerse yourself in its business ventures and will strive to do better. Willing workers are in a very different category than routine workers. Willing and passionate employees and business leaders wish to improve their companies, want to make their products better, and aim to be further-reaching in all of their work endeavors.

Employees and leaders alike immediately lose their advantage in the business world when they lose their passion. Disinterested workers weaken the system; they create and feed into a tired and dull work ethic. When you’re not even interested in your line of work, who will be? Consumers and clients won’t be. Soon, you might find yourself out of business, or your competition will thrive off your lack of passion. Staying passionate can prevent this from happening.

Stating Your Passion

One of the best ways to maintain your passion for your career (and for life in general) is to first state what it is. Recognize what makes you excited to be at your job every day. Why are you doing what you’re doing? Where were you before you got to where you are now, and why did you make a change to fulfill your goals?

Possessing clarity on what you do and why you work will help you maintain that passion. Without clear answers to these questions, you might find yourself lost in a tired routine that isn’t stimulating, which won’t benefit you or your work.

Don’t Resist Changes

Life is full of changes. Being stuck in a day-to-day routine won’t work in a world like ours. Part of using your passion is recognizing whether or not you’re resisting the changes of everyday life. Accepting changes and learning how to deal with unexpected occurrences will make you ready to take on new obstacles in- and outside the office.

If you realize that there is, indeed, something you’re resisting, whether it’s a change at work or in your personal life, figure out why you are against this change. It might lead to another solution. Take on the obstacle in your life and learn from it.

Embrace Your Passion and Change

In the end, the direction we need to succeed in all aspects of life shows up exactly when we need it to. This direction helps us stay caring and concerned about doing good work. Recognizing what your passion is and why you’re pursuing it makes you a quality employee and leader. Embracing change is vital for our personal and work success. Realizing both of these facts can make you determined and invested, which will stave off failure, competition, and, even more importantly, unhappiness.


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