The Good Men Project

The Genius That is Your Energy

By your energy, I am referring to your energy field, which is a direct reflection of what you are thinking about at any moment. Of course, given that we have tens of thousands of thoughts every day, it may seem impossible to gain control of your thoughts, at least well enough to resolve all of your problems. However, I can assure you that it is, and the secret to doing so is in changing the source of your habitual thinking.

At the physical level, human beings are programmable bio-computers, who start to be programmed from around 2 months into gestation when the nervous system comes online. At that time, our developing brain and nervous system start to sense the energy of our mother in the form of frequency, which has the effect of activating strands of DNA that reflect consciousness that matches the frequencies being detected. It is this process that results in approximately 50% of our personality already being formed by the time we are born, without conscious input from the developing fetus.

Then, once we awaken from our gestational slumber and emerge from our mother’s uterus, we start developing our cognitive faculties, rapidly adapting to our environment, both through instinct triggered by further DNA activation, and mental conditioning related to our increasing awareness and understanding of our surroundings and those looking after us. It is not until around 6 years old that children develop a discernable sense of self, or ego, and until that time we absorb what we’re shown and told without any filtering or comparison with what we have learned.

From that point on, the child’s brain will start comparing new information with its then current body of knowledge while we sleep, reconciling what appears to make sense based on its knowledge base, and rejecting what doesn’t appear to make sense. With more years of schooling, the brain’s analytical capacities are developed further, with considerable encouragement from the education system which rewards the development of analytical “critical thinking” and discourages reflection, or “day dreaming” as it is often labeled.

However, it is the ability to access one’s unconscious well of infinite intelligence and creativity that is the key to solving a person’s and indeed the world’s biggest problems and challenges. It was no less than Albert Einstein who was quoted as saying:

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

A couple of ways you can access your creative unconscious include giving your unconscious a task to complete as you’re going into meditation or just before you sleep. If you use either or both of these approaches with a non-skeptical, open mind, you will be astonished by how solutions are brought to you in the hours, days and weeks after your question is asked.

When you do this, you are tapping into your inner connection with infinite intelligence, which you always have available to you through your soul. You can use either of these techniques to ask for anything you desire and, as long as it’s loving for you, and you don’t cancel out your request with doubt, fear, skepticism or a conflicting intention, your answer will be delivered to you in the best way you allow.

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