The Good Men Project

3 Things I Learned From My Lunch With a Millionaire


For the price of a $35 lunch, this man learned three lessons that changed his business and life from a millionaire.

A few weeks ago, I reached out to a millionaire through a mutual friend. To my surprise, the millionaire actually called me, I was completely dumbfounded. I knew that successful men were just men like me, but as my phone vibrated, I stood motionless with my mouth open seeing his name on the screen.

I probably should’ve answered it!

I frantically hit redial as my elation morphed into disgust, but he answered, and the sun shone bright once again!

For the price of a decent lunch, you can learn things about your business that could be worth more than you make in a year!

Imagine sitting down with someone who has done exactly what you are doing now, but has taken it to a level you have not yet achieved. That is what I was about to do.

You know that just one tip, from this person that has done what you wanted to do, could be the thing that sends your business to the next level. One sentence, or even one word, could light the rest of your life.

If you were hiring Michael Port, author of Book Yourself Solid, you would pay $10,000 for his one-year package. If you were to spend this time with Dan Miller at his “Coaching With Excellence” event, you would pay $995 for his time in a room full of other people.

I drove 20 minutes, and paid $35.12 for the entire lunch. (That includes a good tip) For the price of a decent lunch, you can learn things about your business that could be worth more than you make in a year! Here are three things that I learned by sitting down with this inspiring man, who just happens to be a millionaire.


1. Never be afraid to ask

I didn’t learn this directly from him, I learned this the second I got his phone call. We are all better off if we ask for the things we want.

Ask for their time– men who do what they love, also love to talk about it. If you are building work that you love, these men who have already done it, want to talk to you! The men who are too busy, grouchy, or selfish, are not who you want advice from. Talk with men who are doing it so well they have the time and the desire to share.

Ask for the sale– if you ask for the sale and you get it, everyone wins. You make the sale, and the customer gets a great product or service. If you ask for the sale over and over, and never make one, you have some work to do. Either your product or service needs work, or your presentation skills do. Either way, you win by knowing where you stand in the market.

Jim Rohn said, “You will make sales even if your sales pitch is- You wouldn’t want to buy anything would you?”

Ask for the work-you may need a job, a project, or more exposure. Go get it! Asking is taking action. These things will not show up at your front door. In this article from Forbes Magazine titled, “The Six Best Ways to Find Your Next Job”, four of the six include connecting and asking people for work!

Take control, and give yourself options. Don’t wait for the options to come to you!

2. The men that you are looking for, are looking for you

Very early in my business I had a picture in my head. The image was of the men that I was trying to connect with shaking their head in disapproval at my emails, products, and information. Guess what? That picture was accurate!

I was trying to connect with the wrong people. I was not actively searching for those who were searching for me. If your boss, customers, or acquaintances are not thrilled that you are in their life, you’ve connected with the wrong people.

You are unique, so is your work. There is a virtual mountain of people out there who can’t wait to take what you have to offer. Mostly because of who you are.

In Simon Sinek’s TED talk, “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”, he puts it another way. He says (and proves) that “people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” There are people who are looking for YOU. Your why is incredibly important to them. Go find the people who are looking for you, not just the people who are available.

3. Do something different

This tip comes from some very specific advice that I was given about a certain niche. But I will try to generalize it for you, so you can apply it to your situation.

The first thing my new friend told me to do was the last thing that I thought would work. That’s why he told me to do it. It was different, unique, and set me apart from the pack.

Don’t worry; I’m not wearing a clown costume and playing a harmonica!

But what he advised me to do was something that none of my competition is doing. It’s something that was in my mind, but because I didn’t think it would work, I had been holding back for a while. Because of his advice, I decided to do it.

People now love it!!

This uniqueness is giving me an edge, and helps me find those clients who are looking for me! I am working from my heart, and that is what’s helping me stand out.


Success is like a combination lock. you may have most of the numbers right. It may just take one more number to unlock the door to your dreams

My lunch with a millionaire changed my business, and life for the better. I would have to write ten articles to cover all of the value I gained from this one two-hour block of time. (Yes, we talked for two hours like we were old friends. Neither of us had any idea that much time had gone by.)

The information he offered was so generous, valuable, and actionable that I challenge each of you to find a successful man in your industry, and buy them lunch. Go with an open mind, thankful spirit, and plenty of ways to take notes!

Success is like a combination lock. you may have most of the numbers right. It may just take one more number to unlock the door to your dreams.

Getting that number may only cost you lunch.

Photo: Flickr/ Wolfgang Lonien

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