The Good Men Project

4 Ways to Deal With a Horrible Boss

Everyone has experienced a horrible boss in their working career. This man offers options to deal with them without losing your sanity.

Gallup tells us that the average American works 47 hours a week. Those hours are already hard; spending those hours with a horrible boss makes them unbearable.

Two bosses in particular went out of their way to treat everyone like crap.

I’ve had 14 different jobs in my working career and only a handful of decent bosses. For a majority of my time in a traditional job, (I’m now self-employed) I had some of the worse bosses out there. Well, in my opinion of course.

Everyday I would show up and do my job and yet, it wasn’t good enough. Two bosses in particular went out of their way to treat everyone like crap. There were days when the employees would get together and conspire ways to “pay them back”.

In the end, I found the best way to deal with those horrible bosses. I left. I know there are many though that can’t just pack up and leave, so here is four ways guys can deal with a horrible boss.


1. Get a better job

I know what you’re thinking, “easier said than done.” You’re right, but easier doesn’t mean impossible. Despite the bad news we see everyday about our economy, there still are good jobs to be found with some legwork.

Life is short. We know this. When you spend 47 hours of your week in a stressful work situation, you will bring all that stress home with you. So while the job may pay well, and you may be used to that jerk, it’s not worth your health and sanity in the long run.

2. Step away from the situation

You might actually be in a job you enjoy and don’t want to leave. In those moments when you’re dealing with that horrible boss, listen to what he has to say, and then walk away.

Staying in that moment will only add to your anger, physically walking away removes yourself from that situation in your mind. When you’re away, take a second to close your eyes and just breathe.

That moment of solitude and breathing will do wonders for your stress and state of mind. Get yourself under control and you’ll be ready to tackle the rest of your day.

3. Try to talk to him

It could be your horrible boss is dealing with his own horrible boss and just needs a reminder that you two are in the same boat. Communication is crucial in any company, and if he’s a decent leader, he’ll appreciate you talking to him.

Ask him for a few minutes of his time and get honest with him. I’m not advocating cussing him out, just a conversation where you clear the air. My hope is this does the trick for you. If it doesn’t, realize you have options.

4. Start your own business

I can see your eyes rolling from here, stop! This IS a pretty bad economy, but if you study history, you’ll see some of the great businesses were started in a very similar situation.

One thing that we have today is the Internet. Everyday 2.5 billion people, all over the world, are logging on and spending money. If you were ever looking for a customer base for your business, the Internet is a great place to find them.

Even if you wanted to start a brick and mortar business, the Internet is a great place to find new customers.

I’m not telling you to quit your job tomorrow and start a business. I’m also not telling you to take out a huge loan to fund the start of your business, that’s not smart.

What I am saying is start to create your business on the side. Make a transition plan. That way you can build your business with little risk. Those days when your boss is an asshole, you can smile thinking about how close you are to leaving.


Don’t come to the end of your life full of regret having spent years miserable.

The point of this article is that you have options. If you have a horrible boss you don’t have to put up with him for 12 years like I did. It’s going to take some time and perseverance, but you can make the transition to the right situation for you.

The key is to NOT settle. Don’t get to the point in your life where you just accept your current circumstance, that’s a self-limiting belief. You are capable of so much more and you deserve more for your life.

Who knows what’s going on with that horrible boss but that’s there problem, it doesn’t have to be yours if you decide to do something about it. Words are cheap; it’s time for you to take some action today.

Don’t come to the end of your life full of regret having spent years miserable. The “stuff’ that job can buy is not worth your happiness. You can find or create a better situation.

Have you ever dealt with a horrible boss? Do share in the comments.

This post is republished on Medium.

Photo credit: iStock


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