The Good Men Project

America, We Aren’t Perfect but We Are Still Great. #TellAmericaItsGreat

It’s so important that each of us has friends and allies to lift us when we’re down and out, whether we are aware that we are down, or not. If you’ve been sulking, or bitter about your recent relationship breakup or losing the big job, or having challenges with your teenagers, your best friend is likely to offer words of encouragement to help you out of your slump.

Likewise, if your country seems to be on edge from one the messiest, most vehement political campaigns, it’s nice when your neighbors demonstrate their kindness and warmth.

Once again, the people of Canada remind us that they are our good friend. A public relations firm, The  Garden Collective  in Canada, posted this on their blog:

“It’s no secret that America is going through a hard time right now. The election has exposed some pretty scary realities that will likely challenge them for years to come, regardless of who’s elected. They’ve been bombarded with a tremendous amount of negativity and it’s likely that for many of them, the immediate future seems rather bleak.

With that, it occurred to us that America could probably use a little cheering up. That’s why we created the “Tell America it’s great” campaign. As their closest friends and neighbours, we thought it was important for us to do something to cut through the negativity and help remind them that no matter how bad things might seem, there are a lot of reasons to believe that America is still pretty great.”

Watch their video:


The response has been mostly beautiful!


As with all hashtag campaigns, people tweet opinions contrary to the intended purpose of the hashtag, as did this mini-Twitter storm by @DevourerOfTime:



Still, American people were touched by the sincerity of the gesture and expressed appreciation to our Canadian friends.


We aren’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination. We have plenty of work to do on a long list of issues. We have wrongs to rectify at home and abroad. If we lead with love and hope, such as the neighborly love our neighbors to the North have shown us, we can steer clear of making decisions based on hate and fear. We are still great. Let’s act accordingly.


Do you want to be part of creating a kinder, more inclusive society?

Photo credit: Embed from Getty Images

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