The Good Men Project

The Correct Way to Hustle


Are you hustling the right way?

It seems like everywhere you look whether it is a blog, podcast, or YouTube video they are telling you to hustle. In fact, I have even posted about this very subject. I have encouraged and exhorted you to hustle. To throw a brick through your television and get out and get things done. The problem is that some people need to get off their rear-end and get stuff done, but most entrepreneurs don’t struggle with this type of hustle. Most entrepreneurs struggle with a different hustle.

Most entrepreneurs struggle with and confuse busyness as hustling. Scurrying around doing a bunch of things is not hustle. It looks like it, however, really it is undisciplined and unfocused behavior that ends in burnout and frustration. I have been guilty of this more time than I can count. No time for faith, family or living, this “hustler” blames the dream. I have fake hustled and blamed everything except the man in the mirror.

I have had enough! Enough blaming the dream instead of the way in which I was going after the dream. Blaming the business instead of the way I was running the business. Anytime we allow the vision and plan to rule us, there is a problem. The dream becomes the master and we slip into the role of the slave. These are 4 ways in which you should redefine and start proper hustling.

Intentional. Hustle is being intentional. It is making sure that our activity is focused on the correct things. Rather than running around like a chicken with its head cut off, it is focusing on one thing at a time until it is done. Getting maximum use of time and energy with intentionality is crucial to the hustle. Equally as important with intention is knowing what not to do. Knowing what to avoid and leave undone will catapult your life to a whole other level.

Rest. Hustle is resting. This eluded me for a long time. I would work non-stop and take twice as long to do activities because my mind was numb from overworking it. Hustle to me now is taking time off. It is resting and recouping making sure that I am sharp and ready for action. Rest is not only crucial for enjoyment, but also for productivity and efficiency. Rest is an essential part of a healthy life and a healthy hustle. Take your hustle to the next level by resting.

Grit. Grit is defined as courage and resolve; strength of character. Grit gets one dreamer and entrepreneur back up while a lack of grit moves someone else to the sideline. You must rest, but you must never quit. Get back up when you fail, have some resolve and decide that you aren’t going to stop until you cross the line. Back up, rest, reexamine and shoot again.

Enjoyment. We must build our vision in a way that causes us to enjoy the journey. Waiting to enjoy the journey until the end will make for a miserable ride. This kind of limited destination type of dreaming is short-sighted. We need to come from a place where we are living out our calling daily no matter what is going on. Your family, vocation, and rest should all be part of the journey; don’t leave any of it out. Enjoy and savor the moments because you will look back fondly on the early years.

Next time you hear the word, “hustle,” think of these 4 areas. Your hustle should not be exhausting. If it is for a long period of time you are doing one of these things wrong. Realign back to what is truly important in the hustle. Hustle with wisdom and passion and you will be blessed on your journey.

Originally Published on


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