The Good Men Project

The Family That Plays Together, Stays Together

When you have a family with people of different ages, genders, and skill levels, it isn’t always easy to find physical activities that everyone can enjoy. But instead of thinking about the main sports of football, baseball, and soccer, try going outside the box.

The Benefits of Playing Sports Together

Everyone knows that sports are good for kids, but what about for kids and adults? Playing sports together – as a family – offers a number of benefits, including:

As a parent, it’s hard to beat something that gives you time with your family, makes your family healthier, and enhances interpersonal bonds.

5 Sports Your Entire Family Can Enjoy

It’s not smart to have your seven-year-old son line up against your 14-year-old son in football pads and ask them to square off. Likewise, your 18-year-old daughter could probably run circles around you on a soccer field.

Certain sports are more conducive to family involvement than others. Here are a few that we’ve selected:

1. Bowling

If you have young kids who aren’t yet able to learn complex sports, bowling is a great activity for your entire family to participate in.

“When you’re bowling, you’re focused on what you’re doing, but only for a moment, and the rest of the time you’re talking and laughing and cheering each other on,” writes Sarah Auerswald, co-founder of MomsLA. “That’s about the best kind of family time there is.”

2. Pickleball

Out of all the sports on this list, pickleball is probably the one you’re least familiar with. It’s essentially a hybrid of tennis and badminton (with elements of four-square and ping-pong thrown in for good measure).

“In addition to being a fun and relaxing game for all ages and skill levels, one of the great things about pickleball that makes it so popular is how easy it is to quickly pick up on the rules,” Holabird Sports mentions.

Pickleball clubs are popping up all over the place, and you can typically play on any standard tennis court. Find a nearby venue and give it a try.

3. Tennis

If you’d prefer a more traditional sport, tennis is always a good option. It’s a sport that men and women can play as equals and can involve either two or four people. This makes it perfect for a family of four. You can play one doubles match, or grab two courts and play a couple of singles matches.

4. Golf

While it can be a time-consuming and expensive sport, golf is a great activity for your entire family to enjoy. Not only does it require skill and promote physical activity, but it also teaches important life lessons.

“There are clear boundaries to respect the rules of the game,” Back Nine Greens explains. “By teaching them this lesson, you are setting the foundation for them to understand boundaries and rules in other areas of life and other sports.”

5. Darts

Looking for something that’s cheap, relaxing, and easy to get started with? Darts can be a really competitive hobby for families that want a simple game that can be played without having to leave the house.

Look Beyond the Sport Itself

There’s certainly value in perfecting the skills and techniques that come with learning a sport, but you must remember that you aren’t building an Olympic team. Your goal is not to become the best at the sport you’re playing. Your primary objective is to bring your family together, get physical exercise, and strengthen the bonds between each another. Finding a sport that allows you to accomplish each of these goals will make your family healthier and happier.

This content is sponsored by Larry Alton.

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