The Good Men Project

Friday Fun Day: Best Lines from Republican Debate

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Marco Rubio slams Donald Trump early, often, and often to comedic effect.

Here’s the deal: if the Republican party doesn’t turn things around stat, they will have Donald Trump as their nominee.

If this gives the Democrats glee, they should rethink themselves. Trump will be much harder to beat than a conventional Republican, precisely because he is not really a Republican. Additionally, the man has a hold on media – particularly cable news shows – who have found their ratings golden goose, and are keen on keeping their eyeball-bringer happy. So don’t expect the usual barrage of criticism; they’re gonna hold back when it comes to Trump.

In the midst of this twilight of American sanity comes last night’s final debate before Super Tuesday states vote. For the first time, Donald Trump took sustained hits from his rivals, and he did not emerge the winner. Instead, you had Senator Marco Rubio punching up at his main competition, early and often, and often to comedic effect.

Best lines:

Rubio on Donald Trump’s “earned” success:

Here’s the guy who inherited $200 million dollars. If he hadn’t inherited $200 million, you know where he’d be right now? Selling watches in Manhattan.

Rubio and Donald on repeating oneself:

Donald: I saw you four weeks ago repeat yourself five times.

Rubio: I saw you repeat yourself five times five minutes ago.

Rubio on Donald’s defense of lying.

Oh, he lied 38 years ago. I guess there’s a statute of limitations on lying.  

Rubio on Donald and repeating oneself, part two:

He says five things: everyone’s dumb, he’s going to make America great again. Win, win, win, he’s winning in the polls. And the lines around the states. Every night. Same thing,”

Rubio on Donald building the wall on the border:

If he builds a wall the way he built Trump Tower, he’ll use illegal immigrants to do it.

Here’s hoping it’s not too late for these barbs to turn the tide on Donald Trump’s ride to the nomination, and probably the White House.

Source: – Donald Trump vs Marco Rubio

Photo: Flickr/Michael Vadon

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