The Good Men Project

GOD Pushed Me—Week 1

On March 31, 2018, my life is about to change, and no this is not over the top drama. This is the real deal. Let me back up about three weeks ago to give you more context on my descent to either a soft landing or SPLAT!

Ben, a friend who is into personal development as much as I am, had reached out to me a couple days before about meeting up for drinks. I had not seen Ben in about two years. He had moved back in the area and wanted to catch up. We talked about what each of us was doing in that two-year span. Ben mentioned that he had worked for one very high-end company, a job he enjoyed but was not happy with his growth, so he quit and took another job. Then, that high-end company wanted him back and even created a new position just for him—to get him back.

I was not put on this Earth to judge you or others. If you believe in a “higher power” or even if you do not, that is all you.

In between jobs, Ben really had no plans as he was telling me this. This is when I told him how badly my dad job was robbing me of my life. “I want to quit my job” was what I told him. However, I had made a promise to my wife Ann that I had to have a job before I could quit.

As a couple, you do not break promises. Just like not talking about Fight Club.

I was not put on this Earth to judge you or others. If you believe in a “higher power” or even if you do not, that is all you. My wife has helped me become a man of faith. My name for her at times is my “faith guru.”

What Ben explained to me was to have that faith and believe if I do, the old cliché of “taking a leap of faith” would happen.

That was Friday, March 9. Then, something happened. On Sunday night, March 11, an email was sent to a group of us from the company I worked for the previous year. The owner of the training company asked who would be available for a six-month project. The email was titled “Potential Project mid-April-October Yes or No.”   I could not respond any faster, “YES!! I am available.”

Does the definition of “potential” mean “guaranteed”?


I handed my supervision my resignation letter. He was shocked. “Jerry” was new to our company, but he and I really clicked. We talked about my vision of creating a training department and developing lunch and learns for the team. The reason why I despised the day job was because there was no training and honestly, I should have been fired months ago. It was not hard work, but my simple mind was not grasping the job at all. For me, to become the department’s trainer, I had to know the job inside and out. Plus, I had a daily 3-hour round trip drive. It was time to jump. Even for “potential project.”

[W]e talked about life and bringing up in our conversation sometimes needing that “push” to help propel us over that cliff for a leap of faith.

Today is March 24th, and I had a coffee meeting with my friend Tina who wanted to talk about creating a new Toastmasters Club in our area. I was honored she asked for my help. Tina and I used to be in the same Toastmaster club; however, we talked about life and bringing up in our conversation sometimes needing that “push” to help propel us over that cliff for a leap of faith.

When I got home, my head was spinning with this idea of doing a weekly series of whether my decision to quit my day job to take another contract job (that at this moment was not 100 percent a go) was worth the stress? YIKES! Did I put my family in a dire financial situation?

Let me just recap a little here. March 31 is either going to be a GREAT day or telling my wife my plan “B”? I do not like having a plan B.

Now let me add this to the mix. All I truly want to do is run my own media company. I currently have the skills (though I still need work on my writing):

These are very niche skills but make a great foundation to build a successful media business. Would you agree?

What to do, what to do?

With my imagination playing in my head, I am standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon. I stand with my eyes closed, listening to the wind, hearing the sounds of nature. Then, I am falling straight down and flailing my arms as the wind is whipping through me! While making my rapid descent down, my body rotates, and I can see in the distance where I was just standing, and a guy standing where I was just. Our eyes lock. Then I realized what just happened:


[Call to action goes here after the FB image is in place under Yoast.]

Photo credit: Getty Images

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