The Good Men Project

The Innate Sexiness of Everyday Men in Underwear


David Stanley looks at a campaign that shows what everyday men would look like modeling underwear. And he likes what he sees.

I am going to out myself. A nearly naked David Beckham is sexy. So are a nearly naked David Landy, Freddie Ljungberg, or Cristiano Ronaldo. Posed in their skivvies, their photographs made this middle-aged straight guy, ahem, sit up and take notice. Do I want to sleep with them? No, but when I see those guys; 6% body fat, high cheekbones, and skimpy bulged out drawers, I definitely admire the packaging. I get what they’re selling.  When ultra-sexy men sell underwear to men, and to the men and women who buy underwear for their men, that’s marketing excellence. It also makes us ‘regular’ men stand in our briefs in front of the mirror and say “Hmm, how do I get some of that sexy?”

Truth is, the four “John Doe” superstar doubles in this pictorial which originally appeared in The Sun and was made viral by Queerty are pretty darn sexy, as well. Why? They are strong and confident. They are cool. The essence of cool is to not give a shit about being cool. Those four guys-they are unflinching. That is cool. Cool is sexy.

Moreover, they look like real men. Real men who are husbands, boyfriends, working guys, guys who get pay their bills on time, get stuff done, and still have a pint or two on the weekends. Look at those photos. When you can snug up your Jockeys, look into a camera, and your eyes say “This is who I am. Too effing bad if you don’t like it,” that’s sexy.

You know guys like that; you’re probably one of them.


Have you seen the women’s “Dove Campaign for Real Beauty?” Those women are also sexy. Skinny or thick, muscular or rubenesque – these women look at the camera with an ease and confidence that is extremely sexy.

Elite-level fitness is a full-time job. Becks, Landy, Ljungberg, Ronaldo – their job is to look marvelous. They train, they diet, they rest and recover 24/7, with one aim in mind – to be as fit as humanly possible. These men have nutritionists to plan, shop, and prepare their meals. They have trainers to direct their fitness. They have massage therapists to help with recovery. These men are paid extra-ordinary amounts of money to produce as athletes and physique models.

You don’t get World Cup level soccer-fit by squeezing in a 40 minute run between the office and the kid’s soccer game. If you aspire to world-class fitness, having a role model like Beckham to shoot for is a great thing.

On the other hand, if you end up looking like Beckham’s John Doe doppelgänger, in our real world, you could do plenty worse. Because that guy, he’s sexy, too.

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