The Good Men Project

Male Identity and POTUS Politics. Vote for the End of Alpha

Who will be the Alpha male for the United States of America in 2017? If you believe in Evolution, then you believe that homo sapiens have evolved to organize themselves socially around a head guy or an “Alpha Male.” The Alpha gets to be Alpha, by beating down the competition. The Alpha gets to direct everything. It seems that the evolutionary forces that guided our cave man ancestors are very much alive today, in the process for electing a new President of the United States.

What makes the modern version of the Alpha appointing dance so complicated is the technological and cultural evolution of communicative media.

The fact that there is a woman in the running for Alpha male is very modern, but the role she is seeking remains rooted in the prehistoric. We expect our Alpha to beat down the competition and to be worthy of leading us in everything. We want our Alpha to both—know the way to go when we don’t, and to have always known to go the way we want when we do know.

We want our Alpha to be as moral as we are or as moral as we wish we were.

When we vote for our choice of Alpha, we hope that if our Alpha wins there will be proof, that more people think like us than don’t. We will get to be the ones who were right. We will become elevated in the social hierarchy above those who did not vote at all and those who voted for the wrong Alpha.

We might enjoy debating with others about why our Alpha should be sanctioned because we like bonding with those who agree with us. We enjoy feeling superior to those who don’t.

What makes the modern version of the Alpha appointing dance so complicated is the technological and cultural evolution of communicative media.

Cave man campaigning was probably mostly negative. The electorate mainly paid attention to who was beating up who, when considering who to vote for. If your candidate knew where the wooly mammoths and saber tooth tigers were, that was a plus.

Cavemen didn’t have Super PAC’s, advertising budgets and social media trolls. They had to rely on the physical beat down as their way to impress, before the invention of the printing press and the press secretary and the internet.

Men have been adopting and skillfully adapting traditional female social values at least since the beginning of recorded history. Some men have endeavored to beat down such men to preserve the kingdom of the Alpha.

The great confusion of modern times is that if often seems that the Alpha you think is the Alpha isn’t. It modern times, it seems that the one who is in control is just pretending to be the one. The ones who are leading the herd have names you don’t know or have trouble remembering. They are people who don’t give speeches or talk to the masses about how highly they think of themselves.

They shrewdly elicit primitive homo sapien social responses to get us to believe that the puppet running for President is really the one who will be running things if elected.

In primitive hunter-gather times, it would make sense that the strongest fastest male in a tribe would get to decide which direction to go in to find meat. When game was found, it would be the Alpha who would get there first by virtue of their superior physical and prey-seeking mental development. It makes sense that they would take the lead on how to make a weapon, which neighboring tribes to raid for resources, and fertile females.

It makes sense, that females wouldn’t benefit much from having a different Alpha. They all were involved in gathering edible plants, nuts, berries and small tasty creatures. They were preoccupied with caring for children. These tasks called for cooperation rather than the following of a mother superior. Power wasn’t concentrated in a person, but rather ascribed to individuals with specific talents for various activities. A frail female, long past her child-bearing years, might be honored for her wisdom on how to soothe a screaming infant. One women might know where to find gourds for carrying water, another the location of fruit.

In other words, males played follow the leader, women played trust the power of the group where any individual could be followed according to the task needing to get done.

The language of modern day politics is more and more becoming one of “special interests” vs “grass roots,” interests. When we speak of “special interests” it is usually in terms of special people with extra money, wanting something done or not done, so they can make more money, so they will have more extra money to influence more decisions, to make more extra money and so on, as far as their greed will take them. This is Alpha male stuff. This is quite different from people who have special interests, in particular, social problems because they have studied them, have expertise in addressing them, have a better understanding of their complexities, including how to react to unexpected adverse consequences of actions taken to improve a social problem. Valuing the leadership of the knowledgeable is the stuff of female history.

Men have been adopting and skillfully adapting traditional female social values at least since the beginning of recorded history. Some men have endeavored to beat down such men to preserve the kingdom of the Alpha.

We now have men who have been enlightened by taking the Red Pill and those in the movement to articulate how the empowerment of women to claim their rights has denied men their’s.

Many men join social movements to engage in tribal warfare to honor what they know is right. The means used to wage these wars are justified in the true believers’ collective mindset, in the noble ends they seek.

Recent history of men organizing to seek social change has been dominated by men who know what they were doing. Some groups know that the modern male lacks rites of passage that clearly inform males, as to what entails the Brand of masculinity. Often for a fee, males can be properly initiated by other men who know masculinity better.

Some of the most dramatically successful organizing of men has been done by men with a religious agenda or an oppressed minority agenda. Think the “Promise Keeper” movement which filled stadiums and the Million (Black) Men March on Washington. Think of gay man standing up to law enforcement, enforcing immoral laws at the Stonewall Club and standing up for those who were laying down and dying from AIDS.

We now have men who have been enlightened by taking the Red Pill and those in the movement to articulate how the empowerment of women to claim their rights has denied men their’s.

The women’s movement involves raising awareness in the gender that has the majority of members, in terms of people on the planet, that they have not had their fair share of the power.

The Pro-feminist men’s movement, which was inspired by the women’s movement, is about the weakest thing going. Few men are familiar with the term Pro-feminist. Few men ever heard of the National Organization of Men Against Sexism. I think the primary reason why Pro-feminism is so weak, is that Pro-feminist men don’t seem to know what they are against as men. They are too open minded. They are too nuanced and contradictory and diverse. They can’t be understood easily by slogans and single metaphors. (See, the book edited by Rob A. Okum with a forward by Michael Kimmel entitled Voice Male. The Untold Story of the Profeminist Men’s Movement.”

When I saw my first President, it was a position exclusively reserved for White males of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, who were Protestant Christians. What radical revolutionary changes I have seen in my lifetime.

However, the climate that has been harsh to the growth of Pro-feminist men is changing in ways unprecedented in human history. This climate changed is often denied like the homo sapien triggered atmospheric climate changes in the Earth’s weather, were once denied. For many men, the climate change of female empowerment is an “inconvenient truth.”

Truth is, in the USA more women than men are seeking higher education, more women than men are employed. More women than men vote. (See Jack Myer’s latest book, The Future of Men).


The social change we might be seeing is the decline of the Alpha, the real kind, and the puppet kind as well. Social media has begun to supercharge the change the politics of being a man.

Personally, I want to vote for a couple for POTUS. Homo sapiens have evolved to conduct their most important business, such as loving each other and loving children, in pair bonds. I want a pair bond for President that I can believe in.

It was Robert F. Kennedy, who had the audacity to run for POTUS, even though he was not a Protestant Christian and was of Irish heritage. When I saw my first President, it was a position exclusively reserved for White males of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, who were Protestant Christians. What radical revolutionary changes I have seen in my lifetime.

Is it overly optimistic for me to believe that I will be able to someday vote for a straight couple? How about a homosexual couple? Yes, it is.

Is it overly optimistic to think that I could declare such a preference and write about it? Wait a minute I just did. The political era of The Good Men Project is already here. This could be the beginning of something very good – the Omega of the Alpha.


Photo: GettyImages

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