The Good Men Project

People In Tunisia Are Taking Selfies With Trash To Encourage Officials To Clean Up The Streets


When the trash problem in Tunisia reached unsafe and unhealthy levels, young people decided to use selfies to raise awareness of the issue.

Selfies are mostly-terrible, man-made inventions, but at least there’s now one recorded instance of them maybe doing some good (for when, you know, we attempt to justify this terrible trend to our future children/all of history).

When the trash problem in Tunisia reached unsafe and unhealthy levels, young people decided to use the photo-taking trend to raise awareness for the issue.

In an attempt to highlight their concerns and pressure state officials to be better about cleaning up the country, some individuals started the Facebook page “Selfie Poubella,” which translates into “Trash Selfie.”

And like the name suggests, Tunisians have taken to the streets to capture themselves in a shot with growing mounds of garbage, all to impress upon the government how more and more people are worried about the environment and their country’s increasingly polluted landscape.

The page already has over 11,000 likes, and a number of photos, all of which show a similar image of a seriously trash-heavy Tunisia.

Hopefully, the selfie can finally be used for some social good, and these government officials will clean up their act and clean up their country.

By Katie Gonzalez

This post originally appeared at Elite Daily. Reprinted with permission.

H/T: Your Middle East, Photos Courtesy: Facebook

Katie Gonzalez is a contributing writer covering fashion and feminism. Katie graduated from Dartmouth College with a degree in Middle Eastern Studies and currently lives in Haifa, Israel, splitting time between academic research and scouting for “The Middle East’s Next Top Falafel Wrap.” She enjoys a hot cup of green tea and a Joan Didion novel to take the edge off her aggressive online shopping addiction. Follow along on Twitter and Instagram: @KatieGonzalez12

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