The Good Men Project

A Perfectly Sensible Political Rant

Desiree Sutton by Desiree Sutton

Editor Matthew Rozsa’s friend reveals some inconvenient truths about the upcoming election.


Editor’s Note: Every so often I stumble across a Facebook status update that I just need to publish it as an article. Usually this is because it perfectly captures my own views, although it helps to include language that is particularly colorful and entertaining. This one comes from my close friend Desiree Sutton (whom I’ve mentioned in a previous article), and I enjoyed it immensely!

<steps on soap box>

I know I have plenty of friends against voting for any Democrat, but seriously, you are not part of the one percent (I think it’s over $500k a year?), and the likelihood is that you never will be. So first things first: Stop being so delusional! Are you even anywhere close to the percentage of people making over $250k a year? Are you? Probably not, and even if you are, shouldn’t you prefer what is right for America over your own immediate financial self-interest?

Newsflash: No one is coming to take your guns. No one is trying to get rid of capitalism. These are hoary lies that conservatives ply to scare you into voting against the poor, the marginalized, and the vulnerable, and when you fall for them, you look like fools. And while I myself enjoy the perks of having a few businesses, but I won’t hesitate for a moment to tell you I also want a better place for my fellow humans. After all, unless you’re a complete douchebag, I would like to think you want to share the same happiness for your fellow humans. If you read how this one candidate (Bernie Sanders) plans to provide education for all, it’s not a bad plan. It would be really great not to be thought of as stupid Americans, but as progressives.

Also: How many infographics do you need to see that point out states who are against handouts end up ranking the highest in taking them. How crazy is that? Maybe it’s time you rethink you political affiliations if you would like to see America as a place to be proud of again … or, as some of you would put it, to make America great again. There’s nothing to be proud of when you live in a place where the only way they get on a top ten rank is by being number one in the number of prisoners we have. We can’t seem to make any top ten rank of positive significance. And incidentally, who do you think has to pay for those prisoners? THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE. We spend 60-80 BILLION on prisoners each year,  and yet you want to complain about paying for education and health for all?

We are NOT the land of the free and home of the brave; we are the land of the delusional and home of the weak. We have allowed them to think we should tear each other down until all we have left is the delusion we are spoon fed. You want to be a constitutionalist? That’s awesome, but let’s not forget about the bill of rights in the process. There is a psychological benefit in taking care of the people around you. I guarantee you have never felt like a shitty person after helping someone. Let’s make that feeling happen on a global scale and you’ll see people who are truly happy.

Photo courtesy of Desiree Sutton

Source: – Democrats vs Republicans

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